12 BDSM Plants – Grow Your Own Pain Garden and Harvest Your Kink

In BDSM, there are vampire gloves, floggers, canes, and other things that will inflict some pain and/or pleasure.

But did you know you can find similar tools in nature? It’s also not that new of an idea (and actually quite ancient).

Let’s look at some plants you can use during your happy-kink-times, as well as safety tips and aftercare specimens…


Reactions vary wildly from person to person, and allergic reactions are a very real possibility. And, while you might want pain from the plants, playing with the pain of a reaction could send someone to a hospital.

Before anything else, do a spot test on the inside of the elbow (the thin patch of skin above your forearm). Wait 24 hours to see what happens (maybe 2-3 days for harsher plants like nettle).

If there are no problems, you should be good to go.


The best option is anything that hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals.

After you get your plants, give them a good wash (if they can take it). If they are more delicate, I’ve heard of some people spraying them down with rubbing alcohol.

If you don’t want scratches etc. clip off anything that might be sharp.

If you do want to inflict a bit of pain, it’s still a good idea to inspect any hooks, barbs, or sharp parts to make sure nothing is going to break off.


Even if you’ve done the spot test and nothing happened, it’s still a good idea for a Dom/Domme to keep a careful eye on their partner.

REMEMBER: With all BDSM activities, play SSSC = Safe, Sane, Sober, Consensual (and have your Safe Word ready).



No, not the big ones you climb on. Get the ones older generations made their kids go out and cut from a tree when they were bad.

  • Single, thin branches are good for beginners or light impact play
  • Thicker ones can be used like canes
  • Long, thin, flexible branches can be bunched together to make a flogger

Pussy willows can be a fun, fuzzy alternative!

Curious about flogging? Learn more here:

What is Flogging? Ancient Punishment vs Modern Kink


Like tree branches, the younger stalks can be used as canes. The older, thicker ones can be split in half and used as a spanking device.

Just make sure there are no weak joints that could break off in the middle of your session.


Roses are great because they are double-trouble flowers. The petals are soft and fragrant and can be lightly dragged across the skin to tickle and stimulate.

The stems have their thorns and can be used as switches for impact play.

Take care which roses you get. Some can have big, sharp, curved thorns. Others can have smaller, sliver-like ones. Each will offer different sensations.


Bunch these together to make floggers. Since they are light and have no barbs or thorns, they are perfect for those just starting out.

The small is also a-maz-ing!


It’s an old plant – used by Native Americas to stay awake during long canoe rides and Roman soldiers to stay “warm”.

Today, people might avoid it like the plague. But there are some in BDSM who still flock to it, especially as a “punishment”.

The green leaves look like something from the peppermint family, however, get a microscopic close-up of the stems and you’ll see tiny barbs that function like hypodermic needles. Brushing up against them will “inject” natural chemicals that cause the skin to rise into blister-like bumps and feel like you’ve been stung by bees.

NOTE: The initial irritation is intense, but a dull burning and itching can last for 2-3 days!

Want more behavior correcting ideas? Check out:

Submissive Discipline – 45 BDSM Punishments


There are enough internet challenges to know what hot peppers can do.

Remember that most of the heat comes from the seeds and membrane (those soft, white veins on the inside of the pepper). Keep or take away to play with heat levels.

So, tell your sub to open wide, take it gratefully, and enjoy the show.


This is only for the mouth or external use. It should go nowhere else! Especially not in the vagina or the anus. The membrane there is very delicate and high-level hot peppers can create so much irritation, it can cause open sores. Not cool.

If you really want something to go in the butt, try figging…


Figging is the practice of carving a butt plug from ginger root, shoving it where the sun doesn’t shine, and watching the oils work their painful magic.

Want to learn more? Check out this detailed guide:

Figging – Learn About BDSM and This Botanical Butt Plug


Because crying. So much crying.


These are known for their sharp, spiky thorns! They should, however, be used with extreme care because there’s the real possibility of drawing blood (which most people want to avoid).

Beavertail cacti are a bit more forgiving because the plant part is broad and flat, and the spines are much shorter (some do have longer spines, stay away from those).


There are just too many to name, and all will have their own special properties. Make sure to do your research, do spots tests, and be careful!


Aloe is funny because it’s both a hurter and healer. The sides are lined with sharp hooks, but the inside is filled with soothing gel.


After you’re done with your session, you’ll need something to soothe that skin, and witch hazel is perfect.

Its natural antiseptic properties will reduce swelling, itching, redness, and general irritation. It helps with healing and bruises, not to mention reducing bacterial growth.

You can buy the liquid from the drug store or make your own.

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Do you know any other BDSM plants? Share in the comment!

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