33 BDSM Chastity Game Ideas & Tips for Wicked Keyholders and Playful Subs BDSM Chastity Game Ideas List | Chasity Play Safety and Tip Guide

33 BDSM Chastity Game Ideas & Tips for Wicked Keyholders and Playful Subs

Welcome to chastity games! Whether you’re a long-time teaser/wearer or just starting out, safety this article has some fun ideas you can add while the lock is in place.

In this post, you’ll get tips on choosing the right chastity belt or cage, safety measures, why people love this kind of play, and a plethora of inspiration to tease the hell out of the wearer (in a wonderful way). Also, you’ll find links to other articles in this blog that will give you even more information on the topic of chastity cages and belts, aftercare, sex toy interaction, beginner’s tips, and more.

What Can Chastity Games Do For You?

Exploring chastity games can bring a whole new level of excitement and pleasure to your intimate relationships. These activities go beyond traditional sex, incorporating power dynamics, role play, and sensory experiences to spice things up in the bedroom (or out of it if you really want to get freaky). You can deepen connections, explore new sensations, and build anticipation like you’ve probably never experienced before.

But one wonderful benefit people might not realize is that it enhances communication and trust. You can foster a safe and supportive environment where boundaries and desires are openly discussed and respected.

Beyond the physical realm, BDSM offers psychological benefits. Being locked up and playing male chastity games or female chastity games promotes self-awareness, self-acceptance, and liberation from societal expectations.

Why People Use Chastity Cages & Belts

cock cage, metal cock cage, chastity belt for men
Metal Cock Cage
female chastity cage, female chastity
Female Chastity Belt

There are lots of reasons why people might want to get into cage and belt sexual denial play coupled with chastity games. The list of reasons is quite long, but here are some of the more common ones…

  • Breaking out of sexual or intimate routines
  • Trying something new for solo play or with a partner
  • Using games to make things more entertaining for the keyholder
  • Melding them into BDSM punishments, BDSM humiliation, or rewards
  • Adding a mental thrill through the element of “luck” or choice
  • Trying out roleplays or fantasies
  • Experimenting with power exchange
  • The appeal of sexual denial
  • Wanting to control excessive masturbation (quality vs. quantity)

Choosing the Right Chastity Cage or Belt

YouTube / Watts The Safeword / Video: CHASTITY for beginners / [9:08min]

Cock cages and chastity belts are NOT a “one size fits all” scenario. Also, different cage styles serve different purposes (not to mention ones that are more beginner-friendly). Make sure you do your research on which device is going to be the best fit (both physically and for play purposes). And don’t think it will be a fast endeavor. Finding the best chastity cage or belt might take weeks of buying and trying different brands and styles before you find your glass slipper. If you imagine it, it probably exists…

  • Regular curve options
  • Flat chastity cage
  • Ones with anal plugs
  • Inverted chastity cage
  • Pink chastity cage
  • “Cup” belts (for both men and women)
  • Female chastity belt 
  • Micro chastity cage 
  • Ones with spikes on the internal ring
  • Chastity cage strap options
  • Sissy chastity cage 
  • 3D-printed chastity cage 
  • Comfort designs (that just restrict touching oneself)
  • Vibrating chastity cage 
  • Urethral chastity cage (that goes up the pee hole)

chasity cages, chastity cage for men, CB 6000
Common Male Chastity Cage – CB-6000 and others in the series are quite popular

You should think about things like material, ease of cleaning, whether will it be easy to hide under clothing (if someone has to wear it out of the house or to work), what locking options are there, will any metal parts have nickel elements and therefore trigger a possible allergic reaction to those who are sensitive to it, etc.

You’ll find links to comprehensive articles at the end of this article that will give you more information on fit and safety.

Chasity Game Safety

timer lock, chasity games,

Education and preparation are the best first line of defense when it comes to BDSM safety of any kind. Aside from getting a device that fits well, you’ll need to make sure that you have a backup plan A, B, and C for unlocking the toy if things go wrong or you lose a key (or worse).

  • Have a safeword in place
  • Never use one if that wearer is sick or has a condition that could be affected
  • Chastity cage hygiene is paramount (we don’t want infections!)
  • Never wear a device for too long
  • Communicate often
  • Have regular physical checks to make sure things are ok down there
  • If there is irritation, cuts, or bleeding, take it off immediately
  • Start with shorter stints if you’re a beginner
  • Try some water-based lube to make things a bit more comfortable
  • There’s a huge difference between the target of discomfort vs. pain
  • In emergencies, going to the hospital is more important than your pride
  • Always have aftercare plans and packages in place
  • Renegotiation is always okay
  • Never be spontaneous with this kind of play … ever

How to Prepare for “The Lock”

pile of keys, chastity game ideas

Figure out what kind of lock you want and have a million backups to unlock it – including emergency ones should the lock/key fail. And when you’re playing, always have one on your person at all times, and another couple in very accessible and easy-to-remember places. Make sure things are sterilized.

You should also set up additional rules that surround your play like, “Not begging to be unlocked”, “This is not constant foreplay”, or “I can’t wear this to work.”

Set the mood or have your ritual of environment ready. Review the rules or reasons for being the person being locked up. And if it’s a chastity game, go over the game rules.

FUN FACT – “Locktoberfest” is a month to celebrate and play with chastity and all the amazing things that can go with it. But you can play charity games any time of the year! But if you want, October could be more targeted or intense.

Chastity Games – Ideals for Locking Them Away

different kinds of dice, chasity games
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Gods of Dice and Fate (A)

Before locking up the sub, have them roll some dice. If they’ve been good, make it two. If they’ve been bad, make it three, four, five … six. The sum of all the rolled dice is the number of days the sub must stay in their cage. It’s simple but adds the element of chance and a layer of excitement.

You can take this game to the next level by rolling again at the end of the time period and adding those days onto the current stretch. The only way the wearer can break the streak is by rolling a specific number the keyholder decided on – like snake eyes or doubles etc.

ADDITION: If it’s a long stretch, you can roll for “Be Good Days”, and on that day if they perform a certain number of tasks, they’ll get a brief reprieve.

Chastity Dice Game (B)

The keyholder rolls a die (or two or three, whatever) and adds up those days. The wear does the same.

If the keyholder’s number is greater, the difference is the number of days they must stay locked up. If the keyholder’s number is lower, the difference is the number of days (or hours) the sub is unlocked and free.

Roll two or three more times and see that the grand total ends up as.

TIP: In hobby stores (or online) you can buy dice that have more than six sides. They’re sometimes called Dungeons and Dragon’s dice, D20s, or multisided die (and you can find them with as many as 100 sides). The increased number gives you a larger window of time to gamble with.

Spin and Win … Or Lose

Like Wheel of Fortune, you can “make your own spinner” and include added days, tasks, or various rewards. If you’re not into arts and crafts, there are plenty of online programs that will allow you to plug in your data and it will make the wheel for you.

Luck of the Draw

Instead of a spinner, write down various added days, rewards, tasks, etc. on slips of paper and add them to a bag. The wearer draws one and must follow the subsequent task. You can either add the slip back in or leave it out and whittle down the choices. Or, if you really want to be mean, return the “added” days back into the back but leave the rewards out once they’ve been drawn.

ADAPTATION: The same thing can be done with different colored marbles – each one representing a different reward or extra days added to the sentence. 

bag of colored marbles,

Risk and Reward

Either make a list of tasks, challenges or dares ahead of time (or make them as you go along) and give them to the sub. If they perform the task up to the keyholder’s expectations, they receive a reward. You can also use a lucky draw bag (like the game before) but only include rewards. How “risky” you get depends on the dynamic of your relationship. Just make sure it adheres to the SSC rule.

Rock and a Hard Place

An alteration of “Risk and Reward”, you can give your sub the choice of two/three difficult or torturous scenarios or tasks and make them follow through. Either way, it’s not going to be fun for them, but there can be pleasure and amusement from watching them decide.

Hide and Seek

In this chastity cage game, take the key and hide it somewhere – the search parameters can be restricted to one room or the entire house, or (if you want to be mean), somewhere outside. The wearer has a set period of time to find the key.

If they do, they are free for a predetermined amount of time or gain a reward. If they don’t, they receive a punishment or extra time added to their sentence. It’s extra fun if you have a lock timer that you can set to count down. Just make sure that they have at least a small chance. There’s no point giving them 1 minute to find a key hidden in a mansion.

close up of two playing cards, BDSM poker, chasity game ideas
Credit: Pexels

Poker Face

Play good ol’ poker, but instead of betting money, you bet time – with one person betting added days and the other betting subtracted days. Obviously, other card games are okay if poker isn’t your thing.

Task List Dash

This is more of an activity rather than a game, but it still adds variety. The keyholder creates a list of things they want the wearer to do – massages, cleaning, errands, etc. When the list is complete, they receive a reward. And/or, anything that is missed can also result in added days.

Scavenger Hunt

If you’re clever with clues, leave a trail of them for your sub to follow. They can take you from room to room, or even outside, and from place to place. If they find the key, they get unlocked, etc.

BDSM toilet bowl brush harness, BDSM cleaning, BDSM task ideas, male chastity
Via www.meo.de/en/ – Toilet brush face mask

Speed Clean

I like this one because you can incorporate hygiene into a game environment. Essentially, the wearer has a time limit in which they must finish cleaning their cage/belt.

However, it’s important to note that the cleaning must be done PROPERLY. No slacking or half measures. Anything less than immaculate will result in a penalty. Another version is to choose one task and have them do it really well.

ALTERATION: Instead of cage cleaning, you can adapt the previous game to complete any task you want to be done quickly – either for function or amusement. Eg. Make a guy dress like a woman, do makeup and all, but as fast as possible. Humiliation is included for free.

Entice with Goal Rewards

You can also use chastity play to create better and healthier habits. I read about one man who had a weight loss goal and his wife enforced it (strictly) through his cock cage. Create your own to cater to whatever goals you both have.

loyalty card example, femdom chastity game ideas
If you really want to go the extra mile, you can have actual cards printed out!

The Point System

Similar to loyalty club cards, tasks and responsibilities can be tagged with a certain number of points. As the wearer collects these points, they can turn them in for various rewards.

Lots of Keys

If you can manage to find or make keys similar to the cage key (but without the exact cutting), put them in a jar and have the wearer draw one at set times throughout their sentence. If they choose the right one, they get unlocked for a while (decided on ahead of time). Afterward, put the key back in and keep going. If they choose wrong, tough luck.

Make a Boardgame

If you’re feeling really creative, consider making your own board game (or adapting an existing one) and combining many of the elements above. Use this game for training, goals, or simple punishments/rewards. But if you don’t have the time, there are plenty of adult board games out there you can buy and then tweak.

close up of monopoly board, chastity belt games
Credit: Pexels

Devil’s Deck Draw

This one is very simple and similar to any other “assigned” game. Take a deck of cards and write a task, reward, adding days, taking them off one each card (or whatever other yummy ideas you come up with). Draw one a day (or whenever you deem fit).

Proof of Lock

Quite simple, just have your sub/wearer take a picture to prove they are wearing it. You can add elements of fun. Like if you know they’re out at a sports game, they have to go to the bathroom to do it. Or if they’re at work, wait for their next break. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s actually quite titillating and quite the rush for some.

However, this needs to be within the SSC rules. Public play is NOT actually public. Meaning, everyone else has not consented to seeing the person’s private bits. The photo should never be in a place that could get them in trouble or arrested for indecent exposure, etc.

Credit: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris – Public humiliation should never be in actual public.

Other Fun Game Ideas

  1. Use colored marbles and each one represents something different.
  2. Put the key in ice and let the sub agonize while they wait for it to melt.
  3. Try using a timed safe to keep the key inside.
  4. If you have a backyard, hide your key in there somewhere (reasonable). The other person has x-amount of time to find it. Otherwise, they’re locked up for another day.
  5. Don’t discount a simple “drawing straws” game.
  6. A chastity porn game can be anything that integrates watching adult films.
  7. Use a wheel of pleasure to play with while they are locked up.
  8. Add touching, teasing, and verbal elements alongside your game to amp up the delicious torture.
  9. Do a teacher/student role play and give them a quiz (rewards/punishments up to you)
  10. Take a deck of cards and designate one card to be the “release date” – draw a card each day until they are free (don’t use the whole deck though).
  11. Flip a coin, with one side adding a day(s) and the other taking a day(s) off.
  12. When they’re unlocked, make their orgasm reward a race against the clock.
  13. Add sex toys into the fun (app-controlled sex toys can be controlled from anywhere in the world, so your sub could be wearing a butt plug while being locked up and you can tease them until they’re in a happy fetal position). Check out this article for sex toy games.
  14. Send 5 self-addressed envelopes to yourself and drop each in a different mailbox – but only one contains the correct key. Obviously, you’ll have the correct backup (or three) that isn’t in the postal system.
  15. Go to kinky forums (there are even forums for games like this) and announce you’re playing a chastity game. List list any rules and a time limit. E.g. For the next 12 hours, you’ll add a day for each comment or take off a day if someone gives you a great idea for a game, etc.
  16. Take regular games like 20 questions,

Chastity Game Final Thoughts & Suggestions

Remember, we live in the digital age. Get creative and see how you can incorporate your smartphone, messaging, or video into your shenanigans. But never include your face. No matter how much we trust someone, we always need to care for our own privacy first. Include sexual acts you want the keyholder to benefit from, teasing tactics, a list of goals, etc.

With these games, you should have plenty to work with and hopefully, inspiration to adapt them or create your own. Enjoy!

And, the links below will give you a lot of information on safety, care, and how to choose the best device. I strongly encourage you to read them to better arm yourself.

Do you have any other chastity game ideas? Share in the comments!

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