Are DIY Enema Solutions Safe? The Pros and Cons of Self Cleansing

Going “natural” is often a good way to go, and DIY can make sure you know exactly what you’re putting in your body – and maybe save you some money as well.


When it comes to enemas (often used for anal cleaning before sex or for fetish play), is it better to go with your own or internet recipes, or stick with the drug store solutions?

Let’s take a look…


  • Water
  • Saltwater (for constipation)
  • Coffee (organic and mold-free beans)
  • Garlic (for candida and parasites)
  • Chamomile (healing and cleansing)
  • Probiotics (for gut inflammation)
  • Lemon Juice (for pH balance)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (healing)
  • Soap (with minimal additives for constipation)
  • Mineral Oil (for easier releases or constipation)


Despite lots of people saying they’ve lost weight or been detoxed by various solutions, it’s not always a safe bet. Things like lemon and coffee are highly acidic and can harm your intestinal lining. If you’re tools and ingredients aren’t clean, you can risk a bowel infection.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your body maintains a delicate balance of bacteria inside – disrupting this balance can lead to problems.

On top of it all, using too much of a solution might cause the bowel to stretch or tear. Then there is nausea and possible vomiting.

Lastly, if used too much, your body might become dependent on them to have proper movements.


The commercial products might cost you more, but they will be safer in the long run. BUT, if you’re just in it for the fetish play, good old fashion, clean, room-temperature water is all you really need. Adding more ingredients might just add more elements you can’t control.

Still, with water or drug store products, remember … enemas are not something to be played at too often.

Also, if you want more interesting articles, you might like these…

Any more enema solutions you want to add? Share in the comments!

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