Anti Abortion Shrek Porn and Digital Hexes - Lovense Sex Blog

Anti Abortion Shrek Porn and Digital Hexes

Yes, you read that correctly; anti abortion Shrek porn. Between Rule 34 and all the other weird stuff that’s floating around the internet, nothing should come as a surprise anymore. However, once in a while, you’ll come across a headline that will still manage to make you do a double-take, like today’s example.

So when the title “Shrek Porn Used To Fight Anti-Abortion Group” popped up on my screen, I was immediately faced with two questions.


First, how bad was this porn going to be?

And, second, how would you use it in any battle, even a troll one?

It turns out the premise was simple while the cause behind it was scary.

SIDE NOTE: Rule 34 is an Internet maxim that asserts that Internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic. The concept is commonly depicted as fan art of normally non-erotic subjects engaging in sexual behavior.

Texas is pushing through a law that would make abortion banned as early as six weeks. Which anyone knows can be, for some people, too early to tell that they even have a bun in the oven. As if that’s bad enough…

A huge anti-abortion group has set up a website that is something out of a terrifying dystopian novel.

Visitors to the Texas Right to Life website have the option to fill out a form to send an anonymous tip on how “you think the law has been violated,” as VICE News reported last week.

It’s basically a whistle-blower site. But for anyone who wants to get someone in trouble for doing anything other than going through with the pregnancy.

“People will be allowed to sue individuals who may have helped a patient get an abortion in violation of the ban. Someone who lost such a lawsuit could pay damages of at least $10,000, as well as attorney fees.

So, how does this connect with adult material from a big, green ogre?

TikTok, and therefore the rest of the internet, got wind of this and decided they would spam the website with as many forms as possible. But instead of snitching, they filled out the fields with hilarity and attached Shrek porn instead.

According to a screenshot from the WayBack Machine Archive, the site did indeed crash.

SIDE NOTE: The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web. It was founded by the Internet Archive, a nonprofit library based in San Francisco, California. Created in 1996 and launched to the public in 2001, it allows the user to go “back in time” and see how websites looked in the past.


But Kim Schwartz, the Texas Right to Life director of media and communication, told VICE News that “the website has had no issues.”

“We anticipated spamming from the very beginning. If you give people a form on the internet, the internet will do what the internet does. So we weren’t surprised by any of this,” she said. “We have it all under control.”

They’ve also banned people from outside The States or anyone using a VPN.

That doesn’t mean the porn has stopped though.

On top of it all, is directing everyone they can to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” on YouTube. Yep, the old-fashioned rickrolling. There’s also a small call to do any “digital hexes” people can do to the snitching site.

Anything you want to add about this anti abortion shrek porn ordeal? Share in the comments!

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