Dog Dildo - The Story Of One Woman Who Left A Toy Unattended - Lovense Sex Blog

Dog Dildo – The Story Of One Woman Who Left A Toy Unattended

Some people hide their sex toys in the darkest part of the house they can find and only take them out when there’s no one else home. Others … really don’t care. Then, there’s the middle ground that only really worry if they are revealed in public.

But who the heck worries about their sex toys being broadcast of the world?

Well Paula Ramsey, a nurse from Scotland, found herself in just such a situation.

It started when her friend, Carlos, decided to get her a realistic dildo – complete with balls and suction cup – as a giggle gift to Paula. There were indeed many giggles, but the 27-year-old soon found herself in an awkward situation.

The light brown doggo decided it was his new chew toy.

Now, if he had wandered through the house while she was having coffee with friends, it would have been blush-inducing for her, but still manageable (and a funny story she could tell after a few glasses of wine). But she had no idea where the dog had escaped to or what he had brought with him.

How did she find out?

The man who gave it to her saw the French Bulldog strolling down the sidewalk and quickly snapped a photo to send to his friend. Trying to jump ahead of the comment wave, she took to Twitter to have the first laugh. She wrote…

Aaron thought he’d be funny and order a dildo to my house as a laugh… my puppy got into it and was running around my front garden with it & wouldn’t come back. I live on a main road. EXCELLENT.

The hilarious (and utterly adorable) post got more than 2.5k retweets and over 35k likes. There were also plenty of user quips…

  • “…I would of just started packing and moving yo, I would never been seen again on the street.”
  • “Ehh sure he ordered that for a laugh lol that’s well came from your bedside drawer.” 
  • “If your postman sees this, he will probably be afraid to deliver to your home forever.”
  • “I don’t know who Aaron is, but if I ever find him, I’ll buy him a beer.”

The rest of us know what to do – either hide your toys better or, if you want a viral tweet to your name, lay them around the house and have your camera ready.

Any fun sex toy “oopsies” you want to share? Leave a comment!

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