Horny Couple Stuck On Beach When Tide Comes In

Sex in a car? Check.

Sex on the beach? Check.

Sex in a car on the beach? Maybe.

Sex in a car as the tide comes in and leaves you sinking and stranded.

LOL yea. That actually happened.

A horny, 20-somethings couple was driving along the road and decided they couldn’t wait to get home. So, they pulled over onto Cleethorpes Beach for a bit of privacy. Bodies entwine, windows steam, etc.

But it wasn’t long until they noticed the water was nearly to their car. The main way out was also covered by the tide. They drove along a slip-road to a dry patch of beach – and there they stayed until the early morning when a drone flyer and his son spotted them.

“They said the couple had driven down onto the beach at 2 am and were getting up to you-know-what. The windows had steamed up and before they knew it they were surrounded by the North Sea.”

The reason they didn’t drive right through?

There was a big-ass tide-wall in the way.

City workers appeared and stood around, scratching their head in trying to find a solution on how to get the car back out – between spinning wheels and loose terrain, they were wedged in there good. In the end, the couple decided to wait until the tide rolled out and they could drive back along the slip-road.

But until that happened, they had to contend with the large crowd that slowly gathered to witness the embarrassing romp.

Ever get sexy and then stuck in an awkward situation? Dare to share in the comments?

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