Sexy Carp Calendar - Yes ... It's a Real Thing - Lovense Sex Blog

Sexy Carp Calendar – Yes … It’s a Real Thing

I remember the “sexy woman on a car/motorcycle” calendar in my dad’s shop. And as I grew up, I started to notice a lot more of these day-trackers with hot bodies (not because there were more, just because puberty hit me).

I could wrap my head around the idea of most of the combinations (of either men or women). Even after writing a sex blog I still could get most of the ideas.

That was until I saw the Carponizer calendar.

This sexy carp calendar features nearly-naked women in all the positions you would expect, but each one also features the lovely lady holding onto a huge, slimy carp.

…And apparently, it sells like mad.

So where did the sexy carp calendar idea come from?

Hendrick Pohler from Carponizer (which is a German company specializing in high-end carp equipment) was out fishing with his friend one day. While they were slugging back drinks and trying to reel in catches that were bigger than the other’s (obvious size issues there), he spotted “two hot girls” out in their own boat.

It was that moment he realized he could “bring two of the greatest hobbies of men, fishing and women, together.”

Although, I think most real women would not appreciate being called hobbies. Still, the calendar turned fairly famous within fishing circles.

My biggest question (when I first saw this) wasn’t even about the combination. It’s how they got the fish to not flop around and destroy or freak out the models.

It turns out the photographer, Raphael Faraggi does the shoot over a few weeks in France. There are also “two competent caretakers” who de-scale the fish and “shine them up” – so we have pretty ladies holding very dead fish. The shooting schedule is also fairly complicated. First, they have to follow the traditional photography checklists. This includes making sure the weather is perfect for the lighting they want. There’s also location scouting to make sure each snapshot is noticeably different in some way.

However, the fish need to be caught fresh for the day. We’re not sure if it’s by a fishing enthusiast or some assistant who runs to a fishmonger and asks for their biggest carps.

“But wait! There’s more!”

Now, I know what you’re thinking – that it’s probably just a “one-off” calendar that will make it to a second edition only if it’s really lucky. But no. The first one was in 2016.

And, in 2021 there was another update about another round of 12 images for that year’s connection. From what they revealed, it seemed to be a combination of women in full-but-sexy outfits or bits of fabric that didn’t leave much to the imagination. So, yeah. It’s still going!

The thing is, the sexy Carp Calendar might sound bizarre. But it’s not even close to some of the other strange collections out there. A few examples include:

  • Ladies of Maneure – And it’s exactly what it sounds like. Beautiful women posing on compost and other decaying dirt mixes. Possible a turn on for people who like Wet and Messy play.
  • Bare Naked Caving – Thankfully the models don’t count safety gear as clothing and wear it for all photos. They also get to wear boots or shoes, which is also good.
  • Nude Women with Coffins – Nope, it’s exactly what you’re thinking. Hot girls are straddling or laying in coffins. Possbily for people with vampire fetishes?
  • NYC Taxi Drivers – I’m all for body positivity and that beauty is subective. However, I get the feeling while some of these these photos of actual taxi drivers look great, more than one was meant to look ood on purpose? Who knows. But at least it looks like they had fun.
Calendar Gathers New York Taxi Drivers In Sexy Poses And The Result Is A Lot Of Fun

  • Naked Panda Artists – This one is just a bunch of artists posing nude while wearing panda hats or other accessories. a Bit odd-ball but still better than most erotic calanders out there.
  • Sexy Horticulture – Okay, this one is weird AF! However, the strangness and hilarity was obviously done on purpose. So while there is skin, there will be plenty of laughs. Out of all of the examples today, I would get this one.
Calendario arboricultura al desnudo image 4

Some of you might be tempted to add the Naked Clown Calendar to the group of oddities. However, this one will be excused from the group – even celebrated. Why? The profits go towards raising money for Multiple Sclerosis research.

Well, the world might be a bit stranger today, but it’s also a lot more entertaining!

Any strange sexy calendars you’ve spotted that could rival the sexy carp calendar? Share in the comments!

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