Banned For Public BDSM – Couple Takes Kink Too Far

You would think that doing naughty things in “public” would just mean in a sex club, however, one couple ends up banned for public BDSM when they whip out their toys in a family restaurant. Let’s take a closer look at this bizarre situation…

Imagine you’ve sat back in a local pub for a quiet drink. It’s the kind of place that has that old stone and wood that makes everything feel medieval. You’re about to sip back on your beer when you hear a loud SLAP.

You look over to see a woman in black smacking a half-naked man dressed as a woman.

This is what happened at “The Mill” in Ulverston, Cumbria (England) when Dominatrix Lydia Chadwick decided to take her slave out for the evening.

Now, I’m all for getting your kink on, but this story just oozes all sorts of weird and wrong. I’m surprised they were only banned for public BDSM and didn’t spend any time behind bars.

The slave in question was a friend who identifies as a woman. They were coming up for a visit and wanted some public humiliation. The original plan was to go to a local beauty spot where plenty of people would stroll, but time was running out, so they want to The Mill.

The couple chose the top floor in a quiet corner.

To anyone else, it wasn’t something to gawk at … until the woman stripped down to her black undergarments, cuffed her partner to a beam, pretended to walk away, and then came back to hike the woman’s skirt way over her waist so some caning could be administered.

According to Lydia, there was one couple having a smoke that “didn’t seem to pay any attention”. And, there were a couple of young men who quickly whipped out their phones. You can imagine it wasn’t long until management came out to kick them out (and give them a lifetime ban).

All in all, a pro-Domme going about her duties isn’t anything out of the ordinary. However, The Mill wasn’t a kink club, and it was also a place where families with young children would show up.

Here were some quotes from Lydia that would make anyone scratch their heads.

  • “It is the first time I have been out for a drink for six months and I end up getting barred.”
  • “People should get out of the dark ages and accept this sort of behaviour.”
  • “Most people are just treating it as a laugh.”
  • “But in 2020 if you turn men away because they are dressed as women then it is discrimination.”

The rest of the interview sounded like a promo for her services.

  • “Most of my customers are in the UK, although I do have a few overseas.
  • “I do phone sex and mistressing. I do what people ask me to do for them – humiliation, cross-dressing and calling them pathetic and shouting at them
  • [I] Also do customer videos, like foot fetishes and spanking.”

For some reason, the entire scene and situation (not to mention the problems) have sailed right over the lady’s head. She thought that the ban was because of crossdressing and not for public kink practices that she did not gain consent for from the establishment’s onlookers).

The Mill’s management isn’t the only furious party involved, according to the Domme, the viral video made its way to her family and her sister isn’t speaking to her anymore. The police have also been contacted.

It’s a sobering reminder to the kink community. Yes, exhibitionism and all that can be hot as hell, but the other people watching need to be aware and give their thumbs up. Being kinky doesn’t mean someone has free reign of the public domain.

Have you seen any unexpected public displays? What are you thought on this couple being banned for public BDSM? Share in the comments.

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