BDSM paddles are often found in most beginner kink kits – but these are the dime-a-dozen ones. There’s SO much out there; different materials, styles, and designs. There will be something for everyone.
But if you’re new to paddles or are looking to expand your collection, here’s a quick rundown of how to decide on which model is best for you and your partner(s).
Like with any purchase, you need to know how much you are able to spend. For example, you might drool over the handcrafted cherry wood paddle, but your wallet will only let you get the plastic one.
The good news is that your main goal of paddle play is = “the sensation”, not just how it looks – so if you want something that will sting like a million bees or goes deep into the muscles, you don’t have to spend a lot to get it.

There are two sensations that come with impact play – “stingy” and “thuddy”. Stings are felt on/across the surface of the skin. Thuds go deeper into the tissue.
Paddles are generally thuddy tools, BUT you can get ones that sting.
How do you know what you’re getting?
Remember this…
- STING = smaller, narrow, light, flexible
- THUD = Larger, heavy, rigid
After that, you need to factor in the materials – which will further alter what your toy feels like…
DECIDE ON THE MATERIALS has some amazing wooded paddles
ACRYLIC & PERSPEX – It’s like plastic (but not) and will deliver an intense sting. Sensations can also vary depending on flexibility, thickness, and density.
BAMBOO – Lightweight and easy to wield, but it can hurt (sting) a lot!
FUR – The core of the paddle will be something firmer (often plastic or layers of fake leather) but the outside will be wrapped, soft, and gentle. Great for warmups or beginners.
GLASS – It might seem intimidating, but a well-made glass paddle (or any adult product for that matter) will not break. Just make sure there are no weak points in its construction or severe stress points within the glass.
Learn more here
Understanding Safe Glass Sex Toys
KEVLAR – Yes, the stuff in bulletproof vests. It’s got little to no shock absorbency, so it will sting, Sting, STING! However, it’s not a common material and will be more expensive than most other paddles. You might also be able to find ones in Carbon Fiber (which is similar to Kevlar, at least in BDSM uses).
LEATHER – Considered a traditional BDSM material. If it is wood (or other hard materials) wrapped in leather, it will be more thuddy. Paddle makers do this either to save on cost or create something that offers different sensations than pure leather.
LEXAN – It’s like a tougher, and more expensive, version of acrylic. It can also be bought in different grades of flexibility and density – for example, it can sometimes be used as bullet-resistant glass.
PLASTIC – A lower density compared to other materials and can sting like a bitch.
RUBBER – Not for beginners or the faint of heart. It’s generally a thuddy tool, but one that can deliver a great amount of pain (and, if you don’t know what you’re doing, damage).
SILICONE – Smooth and soft but very stingy. It’s also very easy to clean/sterilize – which makes it a good option if you’re going to a dungeon or playing with multiple partners.
STAINLESS STEEL – Ridged and VERY hard, as well as dense. Can be incredibly painful. Not for beginners.
WOOD – Different kinds of wood will have different densities, and therefore different levels of shock absorption. Some woods are also selected for their appearance. Combined with carving and staining/painting, there are unlimited choices.
Large, round, rigid, bamboo – Most of these elements would give you something thuddy, but bamboo is a very light, stingy material. So, if (1) was a complete sting and (10) was the deepest thud, we would land somewhere around a 6/7 with a mix of sensations.
Thin, wood, with holes – Wood absorbs shock, so you can get deep thuds. But the thinness will add more sting. Plus, the holes allow for faster strikes with less air resistance.
Stainless steel, round, thick – Like a thud level of (10). This combo is also a dangerous one because it can do considerable damage in the wrong hands.

On top of the material and shape, there are other things that can make your paddle unique.
- HOLES – Easier to wield and hits harder.
- WORDS/NAMES – The Top or bottom’s name/title, slut, XOXO, etc.
- IMAGES – Engraved or burnt images within the material.
- WRIST BANDS – Safer to hold but can be a bit clumsy.
- SPIKES – Tiny vampire spikes or larger, metal nobs.
- SHOCKING BITS – Some paddles can be electro-shock.
- EXTRA PIECES – Extra layers of the paddle material can add an extra “slap” or heavier strike.
- TEXTURES – Whether cut into the paddle or extra material glued on the surface, found one that had rope woven through the paddle.
There’s MUCH more beyond this – I’ve seen ones with sparkles even. So, take your time, do your research and find one that you love! Also, if you are really strapped for cash, there’s plenty around your home that will do in a pinch – as long as it’s flat, larger, and firm.
Want more useful articles? Check out these…
- Erotic Spanking – How to Properly Paddle That Posterior
- BDSM Flogger Materials – What Will Make Things Sting or Thud
- Cheap BDSM Equipment – Using Hardware, Dollar, and Thrift Stores
What kind of paddle material or sensations do you like? Share in the comments!