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Dominatrix Hairstyles – Is There Really Such a Thing Or Does Anything Go?

Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

I was going through Pinterest one day (well, everyday), but this one particular sessions I noticed a board called “Dominatrix hairstyles” – this got me wondering (even though I’m a Domme) is there really such thing as dedicated do for powerful ladies?

I delved a bit further and found some interesting ideas and opinions. So, I’m going to throw my two cents in as well.


This is one I saw A LOT. For some reason, most sites say that having your hair pulled back into a tight pony tail is a “must”, and “the higher the better.” From a practical standpoint, I can see how this would be convenient. When you’re playing, it’s sometimes bothersome to have hair in your face – you have to be able to see in order to flog etc.  From an aesthetic perspective, they can look strict yet sensual (something about the neck being on display).

All in all, I think is just popular because of the mix of function and fashion. It’s an easy up-do if you don’t have time or are just getting started.


Pretty much a ponytail with a bit extra work. It’s also associated with school teachers, lady military, lady cops (if that’s the fetish/look you’re going for). I like it because it’s also simple, and you can make it tight and sleek or loose and messy.


Another classic one – and usually something associated with secretaries and possibly teachers. It requires more work and practice to complete, but can be a nice departure from your normal hair go-tos. Just make sure it’s secure, because any wild or rough play might make it come undone – unless you WANT it too end up messy, which is cool  too.


Apparently guys love long hair – something to do with being more feminine and soft. BUT, being a Domme (or in a Domme role), you might not want to go for flowing hair, especially if it gets in the way.

However, I have seen massive manes or very straight cuts that looked very intimidating and gorgeous. This, in my opinion, it totally down to preference.


Another grouping is things like pixie cuts, shaved, very short, spikey, etc. Something outside the box or even colored in interesting ways. A streak of red look utterly wonderful.


There was a fad in some fashion shows where the model’s hair was made to look like kinky tools – like wrapped in leather to look like a flogger or braided really finely/tightly. I saw what they were going for, but it was more “inspired” looks more than anything. Still, could be fun.


When it really comes down to it, the best hairstyle is the one that YOU choose. There’s no real right or wrong. If you’re a professional, and a client want’s a certain visual, then that’s what you go for. Maybe you’re hard-core and they don’t get to choose anything.  Perhaps the hair gods want feel lazy and want you to pull it back into a low, semi-resemblance of a ponytail.

I’ve done a fake curled Mohawk for a radioactive party. I’ve tried victory rolls while wearing purple latex. My flatiron has come out a few times to go with my corsets. Work has got in the way and I had to slick it back with all the hairspray in the world because I only have five minutes for hair and ten for makeup.

It really doesn’t matter because ….

There is no such thing as set  “Dom/me”  hairstyle.

You do you.

How do you prefer your hair when you get down and dirty? Share in the comments!

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