A Quick Look at 10 Feather Ticklers – Simple Spicy Solutions

Kinky play doesn’t need to be hardcore BDSM, leather, whips, and restraints. It can be gentle, romantic, and teasing. This is where feather ticklers come into the spotlight. They’re great for foreplay, beginners, or teasing the crap out of someone.

Have a look at these examples…


This is your standard/basic tickler – a little poof ball on the end of a stick. You’ll find them in most BDSM starter kits and sex shops. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with these. They’re fantastic if you’re starting out or just want another toy in your kink collection. Also, they have a softness that the firmer feathers don’t have (which can be nice).


I like the ones with long handles because it’s easier to maneuver around your partner. The single, long feather also looks nice (and classier – assuming these can look classy). You do have to be careful of where the feather attaches to the handle – it looks like it could snap off if you put too much pressure on it.


It’s easy to change a boring tickler into something fun or pretty – just use different feathers (other than black or speckled brown) and an interesting handle. Esty has plenty of examples, whether you want to make your own or buy them. I like this one because it has a glazed stoneware handle.


Ostrich feathers are one of the most common types used in ticklers, but peacock is a close second – mostly because even adding a single feather can change the entire look (and feel) of the tickler. You can also see that they don’t have to be super expensive.


I’m not a fan of this one. Some people might love it, which is cool – but the peacock feather and wrapping around the handle look cheap to me. I guess it also doesn’t help that the product pics aren’t that great (for a storefront).


I love the hot pink color melting into the black. It also has a wrist loop instead of a handle (which might make it easier to travel with – fewer chances for breakage).  Not much else to say – just another good choice.


You’re not wrong if you’re thinking, “This looks like a feather duster” – because that’s pretty much what it is. So, yes, you could even go to the dollar store and buy a significantly cheaper one.

The only difference is with this example, you’re getting something that looks a tad nicer. HOWEVER, if you’re even slightly crafty or DIY you could cover the handle with something nicer and hide the fact it’s a cleaning product.


I’m torn on this one. First, I always like to see adult products that combine or reinvent old, tired designs. For that, combining a tickler with a dildo is, in theory, a great idea. However, on the practical side, I can see a few problems.

First, if you get really wet or squirt, I can see the feathers getting … sticky. Also, if you use lube, you might have the same problem (especially silicone).

Second, any ceramic or percaline sex toys need to be “cooked and glazed” correctly to make sure they’re not porous.

I’m not saying “don’t buy this” – just have a good think if it’s a good match for you.


No surprise that something with 50 Shades branding made it on to the list. As much as I despise the movies and books, the toy line that came out of it is pretty decent. I could go without the name engraved on the handle, but everything else looks nice. I also like the combination of dusty purple and gold.


$170.00?!?! — I REALLY hope it’s a typo – but looking at their “sale”, I double it. Is it made from endangered feathers? HOW limited edition is it? Is the handle made from precious metals? Is it magical and will grant me three wishes. Seriously, I have no idea what justifies such a high price point.

Also, if you want more interesting articles, you might like these…

Which of these feather ticklers catches your eye? Or, if you were to make one, what would it be like? Share in the comments!

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