Man Injects Silicone Into His Testicles – Ends In Tragedy

It was in 2018 that the story of “Tank Hafertepen” broke the BDSM (and even vanilla) internet.

But not for good reasons.

The gist of the story revolved around control and silicone.

The 27-year-old Australian was actually called Jack Chapman. The name change was to please his master-slaver – a blogger, homoerotic practitioner, and well-known name in the Seattle gay community.

The new name wasn’t the only thing done to appease his master. Aside from signing over his body and mind, Jack had to give his salary, wear a chain, and cut off all contact with family members. Which, if you didn’t know, the latter being a definite red flag.

Then there were the silicone injections.

If you didn’t know, people have reportedly died from putting it in their backsides. But Jack’s master wanted it in his balls. Pictures of the man (closer to his end) show his testicles getting close to the size of a basketball.

He spent his time with the other “pups” in the clan (or cult as some called it).

Then, a special kind of horrific tragedy struck.

Tank died. And one of the causes listed on the report?

Silicone injections.

But if you think that’s bad enough, it gets way worse.

Dylan, the master, didn’t inform Jack’s mother. In fact, the man went on to post things under various social media platforms as though Jack was still alive. It wasn’t until he flew back with the ashes did the mother know what happened.

Linda screamed at the man and soon after brought out a lawyer to sue for the $200k given in the last will and testament of Jack …

Which was just made three weeks before his death.

Dylan insists he never forced Jack and “helped him get some removed.” However, there are plenty of claims and conversations that point to Dylan forcing it all. The police were asked if anyone was going to jail, but they say there’s nothing to charge him on.

Hopefully, the community will take their own steps to keep members safe.

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