Guide to Buying One Size Fits All Lingerie - Will it Really Fit? - Lovense Sex Blog

Guide to Buying One Size Fits All Lingerie – Will it Really Fit?


Sigh, one-size-fits-all lingerie. I love it and hate it. It can be a quick solution for a sexy party or steaming evening. But, if you’ve ever navigated these waters, you’ll know they are a pain in the ass to find something that truly works.


It’s probably no surprise that one-size-fits-all lingerie (or any clothing for that matter) is really just one size fits “most. Even just some. They are, however, still some of the best options if you’re online shopping and unsure if it will flatter your body. So, how do you make sure you’re getting something that will fit?

Here are some useful tips…


Is the garment over a slender, currently stereotypical model – slender, big yet perky boobs, and long legs with a small waist? Chances are, if you’re a big girl or even non-skinny girl, it might not fit you. Use this as a cursory tool for shopping. If you’re a plus size girl, look for the plus-size models sporting the example product.

Yes, some of the ones with smaller models MIGHT offer plus size in the inventory menu, but this is just a way to quickly sort through the products to find something you might like.

NOTE: Plus is sometimes also called QUEEN.

One more IMPORTANT note, make sure you can see photos from the front AND the back. You need to see all the details to know if it will work for you. Yes, some places cop-out and just give one front-on photo.


Not only have the models been prepped with professional makeup and hair, sometimes the clothing might be pinned or manipulated in a way to fit the model perfectly. Your products will come in a plastic bag a month’s worth of wrinkles, twists, and possibly tears (if you go super cheap). Oh, and don’t forget Photoshop. Yeah, I bet you a shiny penny that many have been digitally altered.


Well, anything stretchy. But mesh/fishnet has the most stretch and forgiving, and flattering, to any body shape. After that it’s looking at product details to see if that lacy number has some stretch to it. Warning, things like school girl outfits or other uniforms or costumes might have some leeway, but not as much.


This is your second best friend. Aside from stretch, look for anything that allows adjustability in key places like the thighs, waist, bra circumference, etc. corset attachments, ties instead of a single strip (think about the sides of the underwear, tying to your shape is easier than squeezing into the shape they have already sewn).


A-lines are always flattering and have more room. So, if you’ve got a larger torso or tummy, choose something with extra fabric around that section – like baby doll nighties etc.

Another note on style – pay particular attention to those thigh-high pantyhose (the ones that attach to a garter belt). It’s been my extensive experience that these are the hardest to fit for leg circumference and length (at least enough to attach to the belt comfortably).


After you’ve done your first round of “Oh, I love this!” then get to the nitty-gritty. Look at the product details. The best options are ones that tell you the dimension without any stretch and up to the max stretch. The more numbers, the better.

Not just that, be extra careful and read the store’s RETURN POLICY. Some won’t allow returns or exchanges of anything that might come in contact with genitals etc.


You’ll get plenty of cheap options coming out of places like China (AliExpress) etc. But be extra careful when buying those products. For example, when I lived in China, my underwear was 5XL. However, back home, I’m only a Large. I’m a bit on the curvy side, but still … FIVE EXTRA LARGE?!


Unless buyers ask for something specific, the Asian body average is smaller, therefore the clothing is smaller. It’s just like jeans and other clothing around the world. Even brands have their own measurement system (you’ll be a 36 in one store but a 32 in another). How? Despite there being a national average, brands or companies take the average of their main customer base and work their measurements around that.

So, if you’re buying directly from an online Chinese shop (or similar) READ THE PRODUCT DETAILS CAREFULLY!!! Your L size might come out an XS.

One shop I’ve found is  They have a pretty good selection, including Queen size, as well as plenty of fabric options and LOTS of fishnet numbers.

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