Water Bondage – 10 Things to Know Before You Take the Plunge

image via waterbondage.com

The idea of being held underwater or pinned down in the bathtub can be terrifying for some people. For others, it can be exhilarating. If you’re part of the last group (or just curious), this guide is for you!

I will also add the disclaimer that, if you’ve never participated in this kind of kink before, it’s better to play with someone who has experience.


Simply put, this play uses water as part of a bondage scene or experience. It can involve anything from a large, customized tank to your showerhead. It’s an interesting form of restraint and control because it can include many other forms of bondage.

NOTE: Do not confuse this with “water sports” – which involves, ahem, toilet stuff.


BREATH CONTROL – One of the biggest elements that people love about this is the way it controls your breathing. This can be from wiggling and gasping around a spray from your shower to holding your breath while fully underwater.

SIDE NOTE – Playing with water bondage does NOT mean you must do breath-control. Your sub can be 100% in control of their breathing if they want.

CONTROL & DOMINANCE – For a Top or bottom, controlling a basic human function (with the illusion of life or “possible” death) can be a real turn-on.

IMPACT PLAY – High-pressure streams from a hose (or powerful showerhead) can have the same feeling as being flogged, caned, spanked, or other impact play.

COMPLEMENTARY – Yes, you can just use your hands to hold someone down. But this kink is very versatile. You can add any other kind of restraints you want – from bondage tape or handcuffs to ropes or complicated combinations. You can also add various sex toys or fucking.

HUMILIATION – It’s not just the water, but HOW you place their bodies in the scene. They can be positioned into vulnerable, humiliating poses. You can dress them up in clothing that will make them blush. Smeared makeup, wrecked hair, and water-logged clothing can add to the atmosphere as well.

TEMPERATURE PLAY – If you’re in your bathroom, it’s easy to change from warm to cold at a moment’s notice.


Some professional kinksters or porn makers will have a Houdini tank or other elaborate constructions. You don’t need this.

It can be anything that will hold water – shower, bathtub, inflatable pool, real pool, storage bin, bucket, bowl (yes, something as simple as a bowl). Even then you can still participate in water bondage with something as simple as a hose (no vessel needed).


The safety notes here are longer than other guides, because water bondage is considered far more dangerous and, therefore, edge play. That’s not to say you CAN’T do it, but you’ll need to be extra careful and aware.

START SMALL – Beginner’s should stick to playing with showerheads, not full bathtubs or swimming pools. This lets you and your partner find your comfort zones and work on your communication and problem-solving skills in a safer environment. However, it’s better if your first few times are with someone who’s done it before (if possible).

CONTROL – I’ll say it again … no roughhousing! It’s not a kink to wrestle while being a brat or fight for dominance. The person doing the dunking should be doing it in a careful, controlled manner while standing OUTSIDE the tub/shower/tank.

It can have the illusion of being rough. It can have a minuscule level of resistance (from the submissive), but that’s it. Because when you’re bound, that last thing you want is for your partner to lose their grip and you stay underwater longer or deeper than you’re comfortable.

SLIPPAGE – You’ve read all those warnings about accidents in the shower? Well, remember them. It’s no place for silly roughhousing.

Make sure you have a rubber mat in your shower, a mat on the floor, etc. If it’s in a pool, make sure you have firm footing.

PRESSURE & TEMPERATURE – Yes, you can have impact and temperature play, but too hot, cold, or strong could do damage. Keep things at a reasonable warm/cool (trust me it will be enough), and slowly build pressure until you find your sub’s sweet spot.

HYGIENE – Obviously, make sure the water and vessel (pool, tank, tub, bucket etc.) are clean.

GAGS – You can add a mouth gag during play, but it will become harder to breathe. Make sure water or streams don’t go near the mouth. Also, gags are not to be used with “dunking”.

COMMUNICATION – Make sure you have a verbal and non-verbal safe word.

OBSERVE – The person in control needs to be 100% aware of their partner. Not everyone will remember to use their safeword, and some subs can slip into subspace and not be able to communicate at all. Subspace safety can be addressed before any play. Make plans and alternate plans so you know what to do.

PLUGS – Some people can’t hold their breath underwater without plugging their nose. Either get a firm nose plug or avoid full emersion.

DUNKING – Even if it’s in a bucket, dunking is a high-risk activity and should never be practiced by newbies.


SHOWER Make your partner kneel in the shower (if there’s room). Bind their wrists with Velcro restraints (because they are quick and easy to get out of). Run a gentle stream of warm water and slowly increase the pressure while moving the stream to different parts of their body. Next, add a vibrator and alternate between warm and cold temperatures.

BATHTUB – Bind your partner by their ankles and wrists, and then have them lay in the bathtub (on their backs). Slowly fill the tub until it’s just below their mouth/nose (and their breath is still in their control). Hold them down at their chest and integrate sex toys or physical contact (pleasant or unpleasant is up to you and your partner).

OUTSIDE – If your property has privacy, tie your partner to something stable/firm (like a picnic table or deck railing etc.) If you don’t know ropes, just use Velcro restraints. Use the garden hose as a tool for impact play. You can also add other impact toys like paddles or your hand.

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Have any tips or scenarios you want to add? Share in the comments!

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