What is Anejaculation & Should You Worry?

Simply put, anejaculation, means someone cannot ejaculate semen (with the word literally meaning “no ejaculation). But what causes something like this to happen, and is there anything people can do about it? Read on to learn more.


Having this condition doesn’t mean the person can’t have a pleasurable orgasm. If a person can’t orgasm it’s called “Anorgasmia.” It also doesn’t mean they can’t produce sperm. The problem is, it just can’t come out.

It can also be broken down into several sub-categories…

  1. Primary anejaculation means someone has never been able to ejaculate semen.
  2. Secondary anejaculation means someone has lost their ability to ejaculate (when before they were able to do so normally).
  3. Situational anejaculation is when someone can ejaculate during certain situations but not others. This can be brought on by stress like performance anxiety, having to give a sample in a fertility clinic, or during sex when they’re normally used to masturbation.
  4. Total anejaculation is pretty self-explanatory. However, apparently, there are cases where men will orgasm and cum when asleep but cannot replicate the experience while awake.


There are many reasons someone can’t cum. It can be as simple as retrograde ejaculation where semen is going backwards into the bladder rather than leaving the penis through its tip. But there are many other reasons…

  • Conditions that affect the nervous system (such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, spina bifida, etc.)
  • Spinal cord injuries (and we know that injuring the spine can cause all sorts of problems all over the body).
  • Hormonal or physiological factors (eg. stress or fear of pregnancy)
  • Severe damage to the pelvic/groin area
  • There are a few surgeries that will help save people’s lives in one area but might cause removal or unavoidable damage to the groin area. This can be things like bladder or testicular surgery.
  • Medication. Yes, we know how it can help. But there are often side effects – and some of them are very noticeable.

Keep in mind that usually, the only way to diagnose anejaculation is by going to the doctor and talking – letting them take a medical history and seeing if there are any other physical problems.


This really comes down to you and your doctor (yes, I’m leaving the pun in). Solutions could be anything from therapy, to surgery, to vibrator therapy. And for anyone wanting to have children during this condition, it can be as easy as harvesting and artificial insemination. So, there’s nothing to worry about there!

Credit: Nadezhda Moryak

Although, through doing this research I did learn about “electroejaculation” and I can’t decide if it’s helpful or terrifying. I ended up just copying the entire thing because they could say it way better than me…

This involves the direct electrical stimulation of the nerves by inserting a lubricated probe, called an electroejaculator, into the rectum and applying electrical stimulations.  This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. The semen specimen is then collected, processed and analyzed for sperm quality. 

If sperm quality is high enough, then the sperm can be used for artificial insemination. Although about 90% of men successfully ejaculate with electroejaculation, retrograde ejaculation occurs in about a third. If insufficient amounts of semen are obtained, urine is checked for the presence of sperm. If present, the semen is then extracted from the bladder for artificial insemination.

The major downfall with electroejaculation is that semen quality is often poor, although semen quality often improves after repeated ejaculations. Therefore, electroejaculation is usually the second-choice treatment only after repeated sessions of vibratory stimulation fail. When electroejaculation also fails, or if the quality of the sperm obtained from this procedure is too poor, many couples resort to in vitro.



As far as “down there” problems go, this seems like one of the more mild ones (aside from the electrode part). You can still have orgasms, so yay!

And even though there doesn’t seem like there’s much to worry about (unless it comes from something traumatic like surgery, etc) it still seems like something you should check in with your doctor about. And, if anyone has experienced “electroejaculation”, let us know in the comments if it’s as terrifying as it sounds or if it’s no big deal.

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