Do Women Have Wet Dreams? - Lovense Sex Blog

Do Women Have Wet Dreams?

Nocturnal emissions (as they’re also called) feel like they are the domain of men – mostly of boys going through puberty. But many people wonder, do women have wet dreams? Do they wake up with soaked sheets after a steamy night vision? Today we will answer that, along with a few interesting facts.


Wet dreams are basically spontaneous orgasms someone will have when they are fast asleep. And while they mostly happen to kids while they’re going through their big hormone change, adults can experience them as well. They just don’t happen as often.

The biggest cause is from having an erotic dream during the REM part of the sleep cycle. It’s where people can experience the most vivid dreams. The trigger can cause someone to orgasm.


That’s not the only thing. Teens can experience testosterone surges. Or, if adult men go a long time without sex, they can experience a testosterone buildup. On top of these, even rubbing up against the bed while asleep can be enough to stimulate the genitals. All of these can cause wet dreams too.


Sorry, but there’s no real way to prevent a wet dream. And even so, why would you want to? They are perfectly healthy and normal parts of growing and adulthood. Although, some families or cultures might stigmatize it to the point someone might feel dirty about having one.

Also, since it’s more normal to talk about boys or men going through this, it’s not as common for women to even talk about it which might make them feel embarrassed.

In the rare case that wet dreams become a “problem”, there are some medications that have a side effect of lowering the libido. These can sometimes reduce or stop nocturnal emissions. However, they also make it hard to orgasm while awake as well.

Side note, don’t buy into any of these “natural remedies” that television and the internet claim. They are total BS.


Yes. Yes, they do!

The only reason we have images of soaking sheets is because boys/men will have far more coming out while they orgasm. But women can totally wake up with wet panties. This counts too.

The thing is women don’t have these as much as men do (obviously). And even less will leave their bed wet. In fact, only around 10% of females experience “female ejaculation” in which there is a spurt of clear fluid during orgasm.

INTERESTING FACT: Research shows that 40% of women have had a wet dream by the age of 45.


  • Adults have fewer wet dreams because they developed better control over their sexual urges or have a form of release (like a sex partner or masturbation).
  • It does not point to sexual preferences. Meaning if you have a wet dream about another woman, it doesn’t automatically mean you’re gay.
  • Women who have wet dreams might find their nipples get hard too.
  • Some boys go through puberty without having a single nocturnal emission.
  • It’s easier for boys also because their genitals are on the outside.
  • They don’t reduce sperm counts or reduce someone’s immunity.
  • Having one does not shrink the penis.
  • They are not a sign of illness.
  • It’s a good idea to clean yourself up right after to maintain body hygiene.


Now that we know the answer is yes, if you ever have one in your life, just remember it’s normal. Also, if you can orgasm while asleep (but never while awake) there might be a larger underlying condition you need to look at. For this, it’s recommended to visit a doctor so they can take a detailed history.

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