How Does Smoking Affect Your Sex Life? Three Important Ways

Image by klimkin from Pixabay 

Fifty years ago, it might have been a fight, but now people are more aware of the dangers of smoking. However, due to the addictive nature of this product, there are plenty of individuals who still partake.

But there might be one thing that could help in the battle to quit …


Yep. Even your favorite past time is at risk. Here are three BIG effects it can have on your body.


Smoking affects blood flow in several ways. One of which is the male erection.

It’s general knowledge that guys get a hard-on when blood flows to the spongy tissue in the penis. However, smoking disrupts blood vessels, therefore making erections harder to get or of lower quality. Even a 25% reduction in blood supply is enough to trigger reactions. And don’t think because you’re young that it can’t hit you. Men as young as twenty can fall into this pit.

When you get down to 50% or lower, you then get into problems like heart disease. This is why health professionals often use erectile dysfunction as a precursor to cardiovascular problems.

Women are also not exempt from the effects of smoking. Since blood flows to the vaginal area as well, it can lead to less arousal and possibly vaginal dryness.


Smoke tends to reduce testosterone secretion, and we all know what that can do. But aside from the physical effects (like not being able to keep a decent erection, being out of breath, or not being able to get wet), it can have a mental impact on your sex life.

When men and women have problems with sex, they obviously have it less. And when you decrease your sexual activity, it can have a snowball effect. It becomes a cycle of fear, embarrassment, lethargy, and other negative emotions that have a very real, physical effect.


Smoking can have a negative effect on the reproductive system of both men and women (studies have shown that it can be DOUBLE the rate versus non-smokers).

  • It can damage the DNA of the eggs
  • Shorten the window due to accelerated egg loss
  • Anti-estrogen effects bring earlier menopause
  • Erectile dysfunction inhibits the ability to conceive
  • Related illnesses and sexual infections can also affect fertility
  • Tobacco causes 35% of ectopic pregnancies
  • Has x3 higher risk of miscarriages in the first quarter
  • Increased carbon monoxide in the blood that can pass to the fetus
  • Lack of oxygen and toxic substances can stunt growth
  • High chance of premature birth

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Have you quit smoking? How did it affect your sex life? Share in the comments!

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