Is Sperm Good for the Skin? Looking at Both Sides of the Cum Coin

You might think of a facial as a relaxing trip to a spa or a DIY drugstore mask. However, when it comes to sex, it takes on an entirely different meaning (you know what kind of blog this is, so I’m sure you can guys).

But, it’s not just porn that is brimming with bodily-fluids-on-the-face, the beauty scene has dug their claws into it as well – claiming that a few squirts of man juice will take years off your complexion (as well as other sperm benefits), not to mention thousands of hits on your YouTube channel.

But is it true?

Let’s look at the current arguments around the believes and non-believers.


Here are reasons this side of the camp believes in the powers of sperm…

  • It contains crystalline polyamine, a compound called Spermine which claims to be a strong anti-oxidant.
  • It’s rich in proteins which help diminish wrinkles and smooth your skin.
  • It will reduce ache and inflammation.
  • Women who are directly exposed to semen are less likely to be depressed.
  • Swallowing it will help with morning sickness
  • The prolactin and oxytocin, which help with your mood.
  • It contains traces of urea, which is considered acceptable as a skin toner.


Here are the reasons people don’t believe it works.

  • Spermine might be a strong anti-oxidant, but it’s too strong for topical use and can cause cancer or DNA damage.
  • The proteins that occur in sperm aren’t strong enough to deliver the promised wrinkle reductions.
  • The testosterone in sperm can cause acne, not reduce it.
  • Swallowing sperm for morning sickness is a myth.
  • The mood-altering chemicals aren’t in high enough quantities to make a difference in your mood.


  • There has not been enough testing to prove either the FOR or AGAINST is correct.
  • The “benefits” of semen are only possible with skin contact – and you can still transmit some STIs this way.
  • There is a Norwegian company who synthesizes the beneficial compounds and makes a $250 facial cream from it.
  • In WWI, semen was apparently used as an emergency invisible ink.


Thousands of years ago, people were ingesting lead as medicine or putting arsenic on their skin as makeup – everyone was convinced it was legit. Even now, we have countless quick-fix solutions that promise to make us look younger – and many people are convinced.

Some of them work. Some of them don’t. Some are downright dangerous.

I also know you were probably hoping for a conclusive YES or No. But, sadly, the jury is still out.

There is ONE thing I know for certain…

Bodily fluids can carry diseases and infections. My almond and lavender oil does not.

Also, if you want more boy-juice articles, you might want to check out these…

What about you? Dare to share which side you believe?

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