We know how changeable our bodies are (sometimes frustratingly so). The funny thing is we are usually more worried about what is coming out than what is going in. And without a doctorate, we’re often stuck with a simple color wheel and a clumsy “comparative analysis” of what it looked like before things got weird.
“It’s red-ish, but not too red, so I think it’s okay.” Or, “It’s turned black. I should probably go to the hospital.”
Does any of this sound familiar?
But here’s the key (with a huge asterisk beside it), what we are putting in our bodies is affecting what is coming out (duh). And when it comes to semen health, there’s no exception. So, today we’re going to go over simple semen color and what it means for your body.
Here, you’re in the safe zone. It can vary from person to person and day to day, but the general goal is “milky white and creamy.” Why?
Semen is made up of a variety of minerals, proteins, hormones, and enzymes. This all contributes to how it looks, feels, and tastes *wink. This includes citric acid, acid phosphatase, zinc, potassium, ascorbic acid, fibrinolysin (an enzyme), and mucus.
Some might say that having clear semen is a sign of over-hydration, but that’s something to talk about with your doctor.
Yes, green. Don’t freak out. Stay with me here.
More often than not, if you feel okay, having yellow semen is just a sign of leftover pee in your semen. Sometimes not everything gets out of the urethra, and it gets mixed and pushed out during ejaculation. It’s especially common if you go to the bathroom right before sex.
There is also a chance that diet might have something to do with it. (like too many onions or garlic). After all, we very much are what we eat. Excessive alcohol consumption might also play into it. Also, keep an eye on how much water you’re taking in.
Now for the stuff that might scare you … but don’t let it.
- Urinary Tract Infection – A UTI means there’s something going on in your pee tract or prostate. However, this would last for a few days and the symptoms would be very noticeable (like pain when going to the bathroom). The good news is that it’s not uncommon and 100% treatable.
- Leukocytospermia – It is a condition when you have too many white blood cells in your body. This makes semen take on a yellow tint. It can come from prostate problems, drug/alcohol abuse, autoimmune disorder, an undetected STI, etc. In this case, speak with a doctor.
- Jaundice – “Good” news is if you have jaundice, you know it. But it’s worth noting it also turns semen yellow.
Basically, use this color as a sign you should be paying attention. Monitor your diet and other lifestyle elements and if things don’t change, get professional advice.

I know this palate gets even more worrisome but just hold your horses. There are some logical explanations for why your semen color might be this way.
- If you’ve gone to the hospital and had something done with your prostate (e.g. surgery or biopsy) there might be a little blood in your tract system. It will go away in time as you heal. It will also be something your doctor will warn you about before you even go under the knife.
- Any very active sex or masturbation can also be a culprit. Or, if you haven’t cum in a while, that might be the reason. Still, keep an eye on things to make sure they go back to normal.
- You might have high blood pressure (and it’s gone untreated for a while).
- While yellow is our warning flag, this color stage is also a bigger warning flag if there are no other clear reasons why. It can be an STI or even some kind of cancer.
This level is really rare actually. It can either be a sign that there is old blood that was stuck in your urethra for a long while or there is a spinal cord injury. The second is obvious if you have it. The first is something to go to the doctor for just in case (since there is a very rare chance it might be linked to heavy metals – and no, not the music kind).
Besides telling you not to freak out?
Well, it’s clear what the normal range is and what symptoms might go along with something more serious. And yes, the “life a healthy lifestyle” bit might feel like we’re being beat over the head over and over by a bunch of broccoli, but the reality is that if you are trying to be healthy, than anything odd will stand out like a sore thumb.
Make sure you drink plenty of water, watch your diet, don’t drink in excess or abuse drugs (FYI, marijuana smoking can turn semen yellow too, so you know), and practice safer sex, etc. Monitor your body and visit a doctor when you can or if you’re not sure.