Travel And Porn – Couple Gets Paid To Tour The World And Have Sex


It’s everyone’s dream to quit their boring nine to five and live their dreams. For Kim and Paulo they did just that – but with sex.

The couple met while getting freaky in a threesome with a female co-worker. It was love at first bone and things just went from there. Since they were both exhibitionists and had an interest in the adult film industry they decided to film one of their sexcapades and post it online.

The result was better than expected.

It also answered their question of how to get their food in the porn-instructor door – do it themselves!

They quit their jobs at an IT firm and translation services and decided to travel the world. They now travel the world, finding places to get it on, film things, and then sell the clips for $4.00 or more.

Some of the places they’ve traveled to include…

  • Spain
  • Canary Islands
  • France
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Greece
  • Montenegro
  • Argentina

Their sex acts have also got them in trouble in France and Italy. They also wanted to hide things from their family and friends.

That all changed when they got a message from a friend saying, “We know!”

Their solution, however, was fantastic. They decided to go on vacation, get drunk on a beach, and then decided they didn’t care what people thought.

So, if you could get paid to get busy anywhere in the world, where would it be?

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