What is Anorgasmia? - Lovense Sex Blog

What is Anorgasmia?

The description of Anorgasmia can be melted down into one simple line. It’s the difficulty or inability to reach orgasms despite plenty of sexual stimulation.

However, there’s so much more to this “condition”(obviously). Let’s look at what might cause it, the differences between men and women, and if you need to do anything about it at all.


Even though Anorgasmia isn’t the same as a lust-less libido, they can both dip from the same pool of causes…

  • Stress or guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Medication
  • Opiate addiction
  • Vulvodynia

Side Note – many SSRI antidepressants can hit people hard this way

But the list doesn’t end there. Even if this condition is usually classified as a psychiatric disorder, there are a ton of physical reasons why someone would have this kind of sexual blockage.

Here are just a few…

  • Multiple sclerosis – especially in women between 40-49. It is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 31 people who have Multiple sclerosis from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Prevalence of dysfunction in women with MS varies from 34% to 85%. They include poor vaginal lubrication, poor clitoral erection. Specific brain stem and pyramidal lesions 
  • Parkinson’s  – diminished sexual function is practically inevitable. From lack of sexual desire to low libido to difficulties with orgasmic functioning. This chronic, progressive, neurological disease can impair your sexuality in one way or the other.
  • Diabetic neuropathy – In the specific case of diabetes mellitus, it’s a group of diseases characterized by a malfunction or incorrect production of insulin. This hormone is responsible for lowering glucose levels in the blood (glycemia), because it favors its entry into different tissues.
  • One of the consequences of high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) is progressive damage to the peripheral nerves, especially the sensitive ones. This can cause difficulties in stimulating the areas that promote orgasm. In men, according to the Mayo Clinic, it can also cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Total hysterectomies – Removing the ovaries significantly decreases a woman’s production of testosterone. This is a key hormone involved in sexual desire or libido. There is some evidence that removing the uterus and cervix can affect the quality and intensity of orgasm. That’s because the uterus as well as the vaginal muscles contracts during orgasm and because the nerve pathways that are involved in sexual response and orgasm with vaginal stimulation (pelvic, hypogastric and sensory vagus nerves) may have been cut or destroyed.
  • Genital mutilation
  • Spine injuries
  • Traumatic childbirth
  • Heart disease
  • Uterine embolization


Primary Anorgasmia is where someone has never had an orgasm and is much higher among women. But it’s not because they have a partner that can’t tell the difference between a clit and a doorbell.

Some women suffering from this have said that even with a skilled lover, lots of time, no distractions, plenty of privacy, and zero medical problems they still can’t reach the big O.

Aside from frustration, they can sometimes feel a heavy, uncomfortable feeling in their pelvic region (from the blood flow and accumulation that comes from stimulation.)

Secondary Anorgasmia is when someone loses the ability to orgasm. And 50% of men who have a prostatectomy (or 80% who have had a radical prostatectomy) tend to have the 2nd type (mostly because of the need to remove the prostate will also take the nerve endings with it).

It’s also important to know that there is another divide – Situational vs Generalized. “Situational” meaning you might experience this problem sometimes or with different partners. And “generalized” means it’s all the time.


Well, this is one of the rare times where going to a doctor is entirely up to the person that the condition is affecting. If it’s an issue for you, then go. If it really doesn’t matter and causes no problems, there’s not much reason to book an appointment (but keep in mind that bigger health issues might be at hand and shouldn’t be ignored).

And when you finally get into the office, the doctor will just take your medical history and do a physical exam – nothing to stress about.


  • Dealing with any relationship problems that have created blockages
  • Exploring your body better and finding what might float your boat
  • More sex stimulation (yeah, maybe the other person wasn’t doing their job well enough)
  • Avoiding too much exercise (weird, I know – usually doctors suggest MORE sports)
  • Treating underlaying medical problems
  • Different hormone therapies
  • Talking to a therapist
  • Lifestyle or diet changes
  • Stress management
  • Changing medication
  • Alternative medicine or treatments

When it comes to going the all-natural route, be warned that you should always talk to a doctor first to see if there could be any side effects with, well, anything. Just because it comes from nature doesn’t mean it can’t fuck with you.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is said to be good for sex stuff because it helps with blood circulation. However, it also apparently can make any blood-thinning meds go into overdrive.  Also, whoever is prone to seizures should stay miles away.

Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) was used in a double-blind study (meaning the human guinea pigs and the researchers don’t know who got what treatment. The final result seemed to help men with ED (which can be common in men with anorgasmia. But, since red ginseng is a stimulant, anyone with insomnia, heart disease, etc. shouldn’t use it. Another study showed that it improved sexual arousal in menopausal women.

NOTE: You’ll notice many treatments are the same for men and women, but still check with a specialist because some are specific!

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is said to boost men’s sex drive. Even though it’s been grown in Peru for thousands of years, current research isn’t sure if it’s totally safe or if there are any conflicts.

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and Pygeum africanum might help if someone has a prostate disease. But there’s a big red flag with this one – so talk to a doctor before even thinking about it.

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) contains the same chemical used in FDA-approved drugs for ED. But since the “levels vary”, has many drug conflicts, and is dangerous in large doses. don’t use it without planning a regime with a medical professional – especially if you’re on antidepressants.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

People tend to be hard-core in one camp or the other – meaning they believe it works or they think it’s a bunch of hooey. Still various studies have backed up thousands of years of practice – one being it can help with certain organs or hormonal problems.

Yoga and Meditation

You don’t have to be spiritual about meditation or yoga. Both will help with stress levels and therefore any anxiety that’s hitting your libido with a baseball bat.

Obviously, there’s a lot more about anorgasmia, but way too much to fit into one post. If you think you are dealing with orgasm issues, don’t worry and certainly don’t be embarrassed or shy about seeking help. Sex issues are far more common than people talk about and there are so many ways of fixing or coping with whatever’s going on.

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