How to Have Public Sex: 50+ Spots and Tips to Safe and Sexy Adventures

Ever thought about spicing things up by stepping out of the bedroom and into, well, the great outdoors? You’re not alone! The idea of getting frisky in public spaces has tickled the fancy of many adventurous souls looking for a thrill. But before you dive into the deep end, let’s talk shop. We’re here to guide you through the exhilarating world of public sex, keeping it fun, safe, and, most importantly, legal. Ready to explore? Buckle up, because it’s going to be a wild ride!

Understanding Risks and Legalities

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When venturing into the daring world of public canoodling, it’s not just about finding a spot where the grass feels just right under your back. Oh no, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Here’s the skinny on making sure your outdoor escapades don’t lead to a night in the slammer or, worse, a viral moment on social media.

  • Know Your Laws: Seriously, your steamy moment can cool off real quick if it turns out you’re breaking the rules. Some places might slap you with a fine for getting frisky in a car, while others could charge you with misdemeanors for much less.
  • Privacy Matters: Finding that sweet spot between thrill and privacy is the best option. The idea is to add a little zest to your love life without ending up on the evening news. We will look at location ideas and extra tips for location later in the article.
  • Plan B: Having an exit strategy is very important. Know where you can quickly collect your belongings if interrupted. Remember, the goal is to make memories, not court appearances.
  • Tech-Savvy Secrecy: In an age where everyone’s a photographer, be mindful of cameras.


“Public play” is the general term, but the proper one is “DISCREET public play”. People who accidentally stumble upon your moment do not have any semblance of consent, which breaks the SSC rules in some of the worst ways. Plus, with any risk of younger eyes seeing what’s happening, people need to be responsible where they get freaky.

Preparing for Public Sex

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This isn’t something you can leap into without at least a bit of forethought. Whether you’re planning a sultry rendezvous under the stars or a steamy encounter in the backseat of your car, here are some must-dos to make sure your public escapades are safe…

  1. Communication is your sexy best friend. Have a candid talk about what you’re both eager (and not so eager) to try. Establishing boundaries and agreeing on a safe word can make the difference between an exhilarating experience and an awkward situation. Remember, the goal is mutual enjoyment and respect.
  2. Choosing the right clothes is the next obstacle. Ladies should go for skirts or dresses, while guys might opt for loose-fitting trousers, shorts, or something that can be “packed up” quickly and then zipped away. The key is quick adjustment. You want to be able to switch from “just taking a walk” to “getting down to business” in seconds. And, a pro tip? Skip the underwear.
  3. A little prep bag can be a lifesaver. Make sure to pack:
    1. Condoms: Safety first!
    2. Lubricant: To keep things smooth and enjoyable.
    3. Cleanup supplies: Wipes or tissues for a quick clean-up.
    4. Discreet storage: A small bag or pouch to keep your essentials out of sight.

Strategic Planning: Selecting the Perfect Venue

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Let’s talk about the first stages of finding the ultimate spot for your steamy rendezvous…

  • Keep an eye on weather forecasts to plan your adventure on a sunny day, adding a touch of warmth to your outdoor escapade.
  • Consider the time of day when planning your adventure. Late evening or nighttime can provide the cover of darkness, while early morning might offer solitude in places that are crowded during the day. Weekdays offer quieter venues, giving you more privacy.
  • Nature’s backdrop sets the stage for a romance. You want somewhere that’s both cozy and discreet. Think lush trees, rocky outcrops—anything that’ll keep you hidden from prying eyes.
  • Did you know that certain parks or beaches might have designated areas where public displays of affection are more acceptable? It’s worth doing some research beforehand.
  • Remote spots may lack facilities, so make sure you’re prepared with essentials like water and snacks.
  • If a spot feels off, trust your gut and find a safer location. Your safety always comes first!
  • Consider using location-based apps to find hidden gems in your area that offer the perfect blend of privacy and ambiance for your escapade.

Useful Tip…

“Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” A quick Google search on local public decency regulations might save you a lot of headaches. Also, make sure you know any opening and closing times of any places.

Categories of Locations

  1. Public Yet Secluded Spots: Ah, the beauty of nature! Parks, beaches, lakeshores—they’re all fair game for your outdoor escapade. Just remember to arrive early or stay late to avoid any unwanted company. Some parks or beaches may have designated “couples only” areas where intimacy is more acceptable. Keep an eye out for these hidden gems.
  2. Semi-Public Places with Privacy Potential: Convenience meets intimacy, making it perfect for spontaneous encounters. You’ll need to be extra sneaky to avoid any unwanted attention from curious passersby.
  3. High-Risk Locations: While the thrill may be tempting, remember to weigh the risks carefully. Utilize online forums or community groups to connect with other adventurous individuals and discover hidden spots that offer both excitement and safety.

Mastering the Distraction Dance

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When it comes to navigating the delicate dance of public intimacy, mastering the art of diversion is key. Here’s how to keep unwanted attention at bay with subtle distractions that will keep your secret safe:

  1. Shared Laughter: There’s nothing like a shared joke to throw off the scent. Keep the mood light and playful with inside jokes or funny anecdotes that only the two of you share. Laughter is not only infectious but also an excellent way to create a sense of camaraderie that can help mask your true intentions.
  2. Stolen Kisses: Ah, the classic maneuver. A stolen kiss in the midst of a crowded street or bustling park can be the perfect distraction to keep prying eyes at bay. Whether it’s a quick peck on the cheek or a lingering embrace, a well-timed kiss can draw attention away from your covert activities and onto the moment of intimacy you’re sharing.
  3. Engaging Conversation: Strike up a conversation about a topic of mutual interest to divert attention away from your clandestine rendezvous. Whether it’s discussing the latest movie you watched together or reminiscing about your favorite shared memories, engaging in meaningful conversation can help create a sense of normalcy and distract others from what’s really going on.
  4. Pretend Play: Embrace your inner actor and indulge in a bit of pretend play to keep unwanted attention at bay. Pretend to be lost in each other’s eyes or engrossed in a deep conversation, creating the illusion of innocence while you indulge in your private moment of intimacy.

Stealthy Positions for Covert Intimacy

Now, let’s talk about getting down to business without raising any eyebrows. When it comes to public intimacy, mastering stealthy positions is key to keeping your rendezvous discreet and drama-free.

  1. The Cloak of Affection: Wrap your partner in a warm embrace, using the guise of affection to conceal your true intentions. It’s all about blending in while turning up the heat – think of it as your little secret in plain sight.
  2. Tactical Seating: Choose your seats wisely, my friends. Opt for cozy corners and hidden nooks that offer a little slice of privacy amidst the chaos. And remember, positioning is everything – make sure you’re facing the right direction to avoid any unwanted attention.

The Power of Subtlety

Use whispered words and gentle touches to communicate your desires without arousing suspicion. It’s all about keeping things low-key while letting your passion speak volumes.

Minimizing Sound and Disturbances

  1. Embrace the Quiet: Take a deep breath and embrace the serenity of the moment. Keep your movements smooth and controlled, minimizing any unnecessary noise that could give you away.
  2. Keep it Low-Key: Keep your conversations hushed and your laughter soft, avoiding any sudden outbursts that could attract attention. It’s all about blending in while keeping the passion alive. This isn’t to be confused as laughter as a means of distraction, rather keeping attention away in the first place.
  3. Use Your Surroundings: Take advantage of the ambient sounds around you to mask any inadvertent noise. Whether it’s the hum of traffic or the rustle of leaves, let the sounds of the city become your cloak of invisibility.

Covert Communication: Leveraging Technology

In the age of smartphones and smartwatches, technology can be your best friend when it comes to keeping your rendezvous under wraps. Here are a few tech-savvy tips to help you stay one step ahead:

  1. Secret Messaging Apps: Keep your conversations private with encrypted messaging apps that leave no trace behind. It’s like having your own secret language – just between you and your partner.
  2. Geolocation Alerts: Stay ahead of the game with geolocation alerts that keep you informed of any potential interruptions in your vicinity. It’s all about staying one step ahead and maintaining the secrecy of your rendezvous at all times.
  3. Emergency SOS Features: Safety first, folks. Make sure you’re prepared for any unexpected emergencies with smartphone emergency features that allow you to summon help discreetly. It’s peace of mind in the palm of your hand.

Dealing with the Unexpected

Credit: Source Unknown

When it comes to the thrill of public encounters, spontaneity is part of the allure. Yet, with spontaneity comes the potential for the unexpected. From unexpected interruptions to encountering law enforcement, being prepared for anything can turn a potentially awkward situation into a memorable adventure. Here’s how to handle the unexpected with grace and composure:

Dealing with Interruptions:

  1. Stay Calm: If interrupted, the key is to remain calm and composed. Panicking will only attract more attention and escalate the situation.
  2. Have a Cover Story: Prepare a plausible cover story in case someone stumbles upon your rendezvous. Whether it’s pretending to look for a lost item or simply enjoying the scenery, having a quick explanation ready can help diffuse any awkwardness.
  3. Be Respectful: If approached by others, respect their boundaries and privacy. Apologize if necessary and swiftly exit the area to avoid further confrontation.

Encounters with Law Enforcement:

  1. Familiarize yourself with your rights. Understanding them can help you navigate encounters with law enforcement more effectively.
  2. Remain cooperative and respectful if you are caught by the police. Comply with any requests or instructions given to you – you don’t want to add any more broken rules to the list.
  3. Keep up-to-date with any changes in local regulations or enforcement practices that may affect your public escapades.

Cleaning Up and Aftercare: Maintaining Discretion and Respect

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It’s time to ensure everything’s tidy, discreet, and, most importantly, respectful. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of post-public intimacy cleanup and aftercare, shall we?

Leaving No Trace: Why It Matters

Picture this: You and your partner, basking in the glow of a thrilling outdoor escapade. But hold on, the adventure isn’t over just yet! It’s crucial to leave your love nest just as you found it, if not better. Here’s why:

  • Respecting Nature: Mother Nature provides the backdrop for your romantic escapades, so it’s only fair to treat her with the utmost respect. Be mindful of your surroundings, and leave them pristine for others to enjoy.
  • Avoiding Legal Woes: By cleaning up after yourselves, you minimize the risk of trouble and ensure your rendezvous remains discreet.
  • Ethical Responsibility: We’re all in this together, folks! By practicing responsible cleanup habits, you’re doing your part to preserve the beauty of outdoor spaces for future adventurers.

Be Thorough

Don’t cut corners when it comes to cleanup. Take the time to inspect your surroundings and ensure you haven’t left any trace of your escapade behind.

Emotional and Physical Aftercare

As the adrenaline subsides and the reality of everyday life sets in, don’t forget to prioritize aftercare for both you and your partner. Here’s how to ensure a smooth transition back to reality:

  • Check-In with Each Other: Take a moment to emotionally reconnect with your partner. Share your thoughts and feelings about the experience, and check in on how they’re doing.
  • Indulge in Self-Care: After all that excitement, it’s time to unwind and pamper yourselves. Treat yourselves to a relaxing bath, a cozy meal, or simply some quality cuddle time.
  • Reflect and Learn: Every adventure is an opportunity for growth. Take some time to reflect on your experience, what you enjoyed, and what you’d do differently next time. It’s all part of the journey!

Portable Pleasure Tools: Enhancing Outdoor Intimacy

Credit: Unsplash

Let’s dive into the exciting world of portable pleasure tools, the secret sauce that adds an extra kick to your outdoor escapades. These nifty gadgets are your stealthy companions, ready to turn any outdoor setting into a playground of pleasure. From discreet vibes to wearable wonders, here’s a peek at what’s in store:

  1. Compact Vibrators: These pocket-sized vibrators pack a powerful punch in a discreet package. Perfect for slipping into your purse or pocket, these toys are ideal for stimulating erogenous zones discreetly.
  2. Remote-Controlled Toys: For couples looking to add an extra element of excitement to their public play, remote-controlled toys are a game-changer. With a partner-controlled device, you can experience thrilling sensations at the touch of a button, whether you’re across the room or across town.
  3. Wearable Vibrating Panties: Want to take your pleasure on the go? Wearable vibrating panties are the ultimate discreet accessory. With a slim, ergonomic design, these panties feature a built-in vibrator that can be controlled via smartphone app for hands-free fun anywhere, anytime.
  4. Discreet Massagers: Designed to mimic the look and feel of everyday objects, discreet massagers are perfect for those seeking subtle stimulation. From lipstick-shaped vibrators to compact massage wands disguised as personal care devices, these toys are cleverly disguised for discreet pleasure on the move.
  5. Noiseless Toys: When discretion is paramount, opt for noiseless toys that operate quietly for maximum privacy. Look for models with whisper-quiet motors and vibration patterns designed to minimize sound, ensuring your intimate moments remain undetected.

Where Can You Have Public Sex?

Credit: Source Unknown

Important: Before You Read On…

Some of these locations might sound strange. But remember, people around the world live in different environments. So, if there is a lighthouse near someone, it could be a great idea, while others might never get to try it. Also, in many of these suggestions, you can’t drop your trousers and go to town. Public sex doesn’t have to be intercourse – there’s hand stuff and remote-controlled sex toys instead! So, keep that in mind as you look at this list.

Natural Landscapes

1. Forest Clearings, Meadows, and Fields:

  • Choose spots that are naturally surrounded by trees or dense bushes. This not only gives you privacy but also shields you a bit from the wind.
  • Be aware of local wildlife. In areas known for bears, snakes, or even ticks, take appropriate precautions like wearing long pants and carrying bear spray if needed.
  • Avoid poison ivy, oak, or sumac, especially in North American forests. Learn to identify these plants to avoid allergic reactions.

2. Groves:

  • Different groves offer new experiences like visual, auditory, and olfactory (smell) – Alpine, bamboo, cherry blossom, olive, lavender, sunflower, wildflower, aspen, pine, cedar, redwood, eucalyptus – all offer different experiences
  • The denser the grove, the better the cover. But choose a spot that’s not commonly used or explored.
  • Bamboo and pine groves can be especially good for privacy due to their thick undergrowth.
  • If you’re considering visiting during peak seasons like cherry blossoms or lavender, remember these times can be popular. Try early morning or late evening visits to avoid crowds.
  • Be mindful of the ecological impact – avoid trampling undergrowth or damaging young trees.

3. Cliffside Overlooks:

  • These spots are great for breathtaking views and the feeling of being on top of the world. They can offer a fantastic backdrop to your discreet activities.
  • Always stay aware of your surroundings near cliff edges. Loose rocks or slippery areas can pose serious falling risks.
  • However, sound travels far in open spaces, so keep noises to a minimum.
  • Always keep a safe distance from the edges.

4. Sand Dunes:

  • Their shifting nature gives natural seclusion as dunes can create hidden pockets.
  • Early morning or later evening may offer better privacy as these are less busy times.
  • Sand can be reflective and amplify sunlight, leading to sunburns or heatstroke. Sunblock, hats, and water are a must.
  • Also, sand gets everywhere, so prepare for cleanup.

5. Marshlands and Wetlands:

  • These areas are typically not popular for casual visitors, which might offer a greater level of privacy.
  • Look for solid ground or boardwalks to set up.
  • They can be buggy, especially at dusk. Bring insect repellent and consider light long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect against bites.
  • The ground can be unstable and wet; bring waterproof sitting mats or wear appropriate footwear.

6. Canyons:

  • The varied terrain can provide many secluded spots. Look for alcoves or recessed areas that offer both privacy and shelter.
  • The natural acoustics of a canyon mean sound travels. To keep things discreet, keep noise to a minimum.
  • Check the weather forecast before venturing into a canyon, especially for risks of flash floods or falling rocks.

7. Tropical Rainforests:

  • Lush foliage means excellent cover but stick to cleared paths to avoid getting lost.
  • Humidity and bugs are your main concerns here. Wear breathable fabrics and use bug spray to stay comfortable.
  • This is another area you need to be extra careful to keep ecological impact to a minimum.

8. Desert Oasis:

  • These are unique settings with the contrast of water in the desert. It can be quite secluded, but also exposed.
  • The desert means extreme conditions. Carry plenty of water, use sun protection, and maybe a lightweight, long-sleeve shirt for sun protection.
  • They’re ideal during off-peak seasons when tourist traffic is low.

9. Dormant Volcanic Craters:

  • You’ll get dramatic landscapes that aren’t commonly visited.
  • Volcanic terrain can be unstable or sharp. Wear sturdy footwear and check the area carefully before you settle down.
  • While more remote, they are still very open and exposed places. Try behind larger rocks etc.

General Tips for These Locations:

  • Always check local regulations and accessibility beforehand. Some natural areas have specific guidelines or restrictions.
  • Keep activities discreet, maintain a low profile, and be aware of your surroundings to avoid being seen or disturbing others.
  • Always leave the area as you found it or better.
  • Make sure someone else knows where you will be (you don’t have to tell them what you’re doing) and have some kind of communication device handy in case of emergencies, especially in more remote areas.

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10. Beaches and Coves, Lakeshores:

  • Stick to less crowded spots for more privacy. Early mornings or late evenings can be quieter.
  • Watch out for beach patrols or restricted areas to avoid fines.
  • Bring a pop-up beach tent for instant privacy, which can be handy for changing or quick shelter.
  • Always check the tide schedules to ensure your secluded spot doesn’t become underwater unexpectedly.

11. Waterfalls (great if there’s a cave behind):

  • Waterfalls can offer natural noise cover, but the sound can also mask approaching footsteps.
  • Check if the area behind the waterfall is accessible and safe. It could be slippery!
  • Wear water shoes for better grip if you plan to get close to or behind the waterfall.
  • The natural mist and sound of the waterfall can mask your presence, making it an ideal spot for intimacy.

12. Deserted/Remote Islands:

  • Perfect for a total getaway with maximum privacy. Make sure you know the boat schedules or have your own transport.
  • Bring everything you need, including water and emergency supplies, as there won’t be any shops.
  • Use natural land features like dunes or rock formations to shield your activities from any passing boats.
  • Always let someone know where you’re going, especially when visiting remote locations.

Lube, Lube, Lube

If you’re not using sex toys, silicone sex lube will last longer – which means you need to fiddle with bottles and reapplication less. It also helps if your partner can’t get wet fast enough (of which there’s no shame).

13. Secluded Beaches:

  • These are ideal for privacy but ensure you’re not trespassing on private property.
  • Secluded doesn’t mean safe; tell someone your plans or keep a phone handy.
  • Early morning or late evening visits can offer dramatic and private settings with the added bonus of stunning natural lighting.

4. Urban Waterfronts:

  • These areas can be busy, so look for nooks or less popular times.
  • Be aware of local laws about public spaces to avoid legal issues.
  • Explore the area during different times to find when it’s least crowded.

15. Rivers or Streams:

  • Natural vegetation along banks can provide good cover.
  • Watch for slippery rocks or unstable banks.
  • Always check the current strength and water level of rivers or streams, especially after rainfall.

16. Glacial Lakes:

  • The stunning backdrop makes for a unique setting, but these areas can be cold.
  • Always check weather conditions, as they can change rapidly in such environments.
  • A thermal blanket can be a versatile tool—not only for warmth but also for creating a private space.

17. Pools, Hot Tubs:

  • Private pools or hot tubs in hotels can offer discreet options if used during off-peak hours.
  • Public pools are risky and usually have strict rules, so discretion is key.
  • Choose a corner or less visible section of the pool or hot tub for added privacy.

18. Hot Springs:

  • Natural hot springs in remote locations can offer both seclusion and a unique experience.
  • Visit during off-peak times to avoid crowds.
  • Use surrounding rocks or vegetation for cover if needed.

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Abandoned Structures

  • 19. Warehouses, Piers, Stadiums, Swimming Pools, Train Stations, Factories, Prisons, Quarries, Military Bases, Theaters, Ski Resorts, Theme Parks
  • These places offer a lot of space and interesting backgrounds for discreet encounters. Always enter with caution and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Abandoned buildings can be structurally unsound. Watch out for loose floorboards, broken glass, and rusty nails. It’s also a good idea to have a flashlight on hand to navigate dark areas safely.
  • Remember, in most cases, it’s considered trespassing!

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Urban Settings

20. Underground Tunnels, Passageways, Alleyways:

  • Choose less popular times like early mornings or late evenings for more privacy.
  • Bring a flashlight to navigate safely and explore unlit areas that might offer more seclusion.
  • Listen for echoes to gauge how sound travels in the tunnel, helping you stay aware if someone is approaching.
  • Always check for exit routes in case of emergencies when exploring secluded underground areas.

21. Courtyards:

  • Some courtyards have water features or sculptures that can provide cover. Use these elements to blend into the environment.
  • Courtyards connected to cafes or libraries might offer a quiet escape during their off-hours.
  • If the courtyard is part of a historical or large building, there might be lesser-known sections that are ideal for privacy.
  • Be aware of residential windows overlooking courtyards—some may have a clear view even if it seems private at ground level.

22. Public Transportation:

  • Late-night rides on less popular routes might give you some secluded moments.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings and respectful to other passengers.
  • The rhythmic movement of trains or buses can provide a natural cover for discreet movements.
  • Night buses or the last train can be less crowded but ensure you are not completely alone for safety reasons.
  • Consider the layout of newer trains or buses which might offer more secluded seating arrangements at the ends of the carriage.

23. Art Galleries, Museums:

  • Look for exhibits that are less popular or visit during special events when there are more rooms open to the public.
  • Private viewings or late-night museum events can offer more privacy and a unique backdrop.
  • Interactive exhibits or installations that encourage movement and provide noise might offer a discreet environment.
  • Engage with audio tours; they can provide a legitimate reason for lingering in less frequented exhibit corners without drawing attention.
  • Some galleries have late-night events or adult-only hours which provide a more relaxed atmosphere and fewer crowds.

24. Dance Clubs:

  • Clubs with multiple floors or hidden nooks can offer some privacy.
  • It’s loud and busy, so keep your belongings secure and stay with your group.
  • Some clubs have themed nights which can offer costumes or masks, adding a layer of anonymity.
  • Some clubs have ‘chill out’ zones designed to be quieter and less crowded, which could provide spots for more private conversations.
  • Be mindful of lighting. Clubs with darker corners or mood lighting offer better privacy than well-lit spaces.

25. Theaters:

  • Back rows or balcony seats during a less popular showtime can provide some privacy.
  • Choose shows that are longer or have intermissions for more opportunities.
  • Opt for a theater with an old-fashioned box seat that offers high walls and a door for added privacy.
  • Matinee performances typically have fewer attendees, which might offer more privacy in balcony seats or back rows.

26. Libraries:

  • Quieter sections or study rooms can offer some seclusion.
  • Be discreet and respectful of the quiet environment and other patrons.
  • Some larger libraries have architectural nooks or hidden areas that are less frequented, providing spots away from the main areas.
  • Look for archive rooms or special collections areas that require appointments; these rooms are less frequented and offer privacy.
  • Use the pretext of needing a quiet study area to access less trafficked parts of the library.

27. Bar & Lounges:

  • Look for lounges with booths or less visible seating areas.
  • Visiting during off-peak hours can provide more privacy.
  • Choose a spot near a feature like a fireplace or behind a partition, which can provide a natural barrier from the rest of the venue.
  • Pick a lounge with a theme night that might involve costumes or masks for added anonymity.
  • Visit during a weeknight when bars are less likely to be crowded compared to weekends.

28. Observation Decks:

  • Visit during less busy times like late evenings or during weather that might deter most visitors.
  • High places can be windy and chilly, so dress appropriately.
  • Some observation decks have structural features like pillars or service areas that can offer pockets of privacy.
  • Use binoculars or a camera as a prop to blend into the tourist crowd while scouting for private spots.
  • High places can be very windy; secure any loose clothing or accessories.

29. Concerts:

  • Outdoor concerts or festivals with lots of people and movement can offer some cover.
  • Stay towards the back or sides away from the main crowds.
  • Use the noise and crowd as a cover but remain aware of your surroundings to maintain discretion.
  • Outdoor venues often have more space and potential secluded areas compared to indoor arenas.

30. Sex Clubs:

  • These venues are designed for discretion and privacy but check their rules and membership requirements ahead of time.
  • Always prioritize consent and communication with your partner and others in the venue.
  • Many clubs have private rooms or areas that can be reserved, offering controlled environments.

Credit: Unsplash

Elevated and Rooftop Locations

31. Rooftop Hideaways:

  • Pick spots that are out of sight from nearby buildings or the street.
  • Use portable lanterns for a bit of light that won’t be seen from far away.
  • Check out areas behind big air conditioning units or other machinery for extra privacy.

32. Gardens/Farms:

  • Look for spots surrounded by tall plants or trees that can hide you.
  • Try visiting early in the morning or late at night when there are fewer people around.
  • Remember, these places might have gardeners or workers during the day, so plan your visit accordingly.

33. Greenhouses, Solariums:

  • These glass buildings are great because they’re often quiet and off the main paths.
  • Find a corner or a spot that’s shielded by large plants or trees inside.
  • The glass can make things hot during the day, so maybe go in the cooler evening.

34. Balconies:

  • Balconies can be pretty open, so use plants or outdoor furniture to make a private nook.
  • Angle a large umbrella or a privacy screen to block the view from above or the side.
  • Be mindful of the noise, as sound travels easily in open air.

35. Helipads:

  • These are usually empty and quiet, especially if they’re not in use.
  • The wide open space can give you a stunning view of the skyline.
  • Just make sure it’s safe and allowed to access the helipad, as some buildings have restrictions.

Douglas Graham / Getty Images

Unique Places

36. Lighthouse Lookouts:

  • Choose times when there are fewer visitors, like early morning or late evening.
  • Use the structure of the lighthouse to block views from certain angles.
  • Be mindful of the echo inside the lighthouse; sounds can carry surprisingly far.
  • Always check accessibility; some lighthouses may have restricted areas.

37. Observatory Domes:

  • Visit during off-peak hours to avoid crowds and maintain privacy.
  • Use the dome’s curvature to find hidden corners or less visible areas.
  • Remember that these places can be quite cold at night, so bring warm clothing.
  • Be aware of any surveillance or staff presence, as observatories are often well-monitored.

38. Ruined Castles:

  • Explore less popular ruins or those off the beaten path for more seclusion.
  • Use intact walls or fallen structures to create private spaces.
  • Check for safety hazards like unstable masonry or loose stones.

39. Ice Hotels:

  • Rooms in ice hotels offer unique privacy due to their construction.
  • Keep visits short to avoid discomfort from the cold.
  • Use the hotel’s layout to your advantage, choosing corners or alcoves.
  • Be aware that sound can travel easily in a quiet, icy environment.

40. Outdoor Film Screenings or Drive-in Theater

  • Sit towards the back or peripheries to stay out of the main crowd.
  • Use blankets or chairs to create a small, private space.
  • Choose screenings that are less popular to ensure fewer people are around.
  • Be prepared for weather changes; bring an umbrella or extra layers as needed

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Leisure & Recreational Spots

41. Forest Treehouses (hotels):

  • Opt for treehouses that are isolated and not directly in line with others to enhance privacy.
  • Use the natural forest sounds as a cover for privacy.
  • Check if the treehouse has curtains or blinds for additional seclusion.
  • Be aware of the structure’s stability and noise level, as some treehouses may creak.

42. Botanical Gardens:

  • Visit during off-peak hours or weekdays when fewer visitors are present.
  • Find secluded sections or less popular areas of the garden.
  • Use densely planted areas or large installations as natural screens.
  • Respect the environment; stay on pathways and avoid damaging plants.

43. Zen Gardens:

  • Zen gardens are typically quiet, offering a serene and private setting.
  • Look for corners or areas obscured by rock formations or trees.
  • Keep noise to a minimum to maintain the tranquility of the space.
  • Visit during less popular times, such as early mornings.

44. Hammocks:

  • Set up a hammock in a secluded part of a park or forest.
  • Use trees or bushes around the hammock for added privacy.
  • Choose a hammock with a built-in mosquito net to keep pests away and add privacy.
  • Be mindful of the visibility from various angles when lying down.

Credit: Pexels

45. Lakeside Gazebos:

  • Gazebos often provide a roof and partial walls, which help with privacy.
  • Choose gazebos that are further away from the main walking paths or picnic areas.
  • Early morning or later in the evening are optimal times for fewer people.
  • Check if the gazebo area requires reservations, which could guarantee privacy.

46. Glamping Tents:

  • Many glamping sites offer tents that are spaced well apart for guest privacy.
  • Use the canvas sides of the tent as natural sound barriers.
  • Ensure the tent zips or closes fully for complete privacy.
  • Some glamping sites are adult-only, which could be more accommodating of privacy needs.

47. Beachfront Cabanas:

  • Cabanas provide a private, shaded area right on the beach.
  • Choose a cabana at the end of a row or on a less busy part of the beach.
  • Use draped towels or cabana curtains to block the view from the sides.
  • Check for peak times at the beach to avoid the crowds.

48. Private Yachts:

  • Being on the water provides natural isolation from others.
  • Use below-deck areas for the most privacy.
  • Anchor in secluded coves or areas away from popular marine paths.
  • Always follow maritime laws and regulations regarding anchorage and behavior.

49. Cottages:

  • Cottages often offer complete privacy, especially those in rural or secluded locations.
  • Check the proximity of neighboring cottages or public areas.
  • Use curtains and soundproofing if available to keep activities discreet.
  • Consider renting during off-peak seasons for fewer neighbors and lower rates.

Credit: Pexels

50. Mini-Golf Courses:

  • Choose less busy times, like weekday evenings.
  • Look for courses with lots of vegetation or themed structures that provide cover.
  • Play at the farthest hole from the main entrance or starting area.
  • Be aware of families and children, especially during weekends or holidays.

51. Bowling Alleys:

  • Opt for lanes at the end of the alley or in corners for more seclusion.
  • Late-night bowling often attracts fewer patrons.
  • Use the noise of the alley to cover conversations.
  • Always be aware of the staff and other bowlers.

52. Ice Skating Rinks:

  • Choose times when lessons or hockey games aren’t scheduled.
  • Use support pillars or darker corners of the rink for privacy.
  • Wear appropriate attire to blend in and avoid suspicion.
  • Keep movements discreet, especially if the rink is crowded.

53. Picnic Areas:

  • Select a spot that’s away from main paths and visible areas.
  • Use picnic blankets or umbrellas to create a private space.
  • Visit during off-peak hours, like late afternoon on weekdays.
  • Keep noise levels low to avoid drawing attention.

54. Adult Only Resorts:

  • Research and choose resorts that are adult-only or known for privacy.
  • Use resort features like private pools, secluded garden areas, or adult-themed events.
  • Check the resort layout for the most secluded accommodations.
  • Ensure the resort’s policies align with your privacy expectations.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up, let’s talk about the wild world of public sex. It’s a thrilling adventure, no doubt, but it’s crucial to handle it with care, respect, and consent. When you play by the rules and respect everyone involved, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, bringing you and your partner closer together in ways you never imagined.

We’re all about encouraging you to dive into the spicy side of your sexuality, but hey, safety first! Always remember to keep it legal, ethical, and above all, safe. So whether you’re sneaking away to a cozy forest nook or finding romance under the city lights, make sure you’re doing it right and having a blast along the way.

Here’s to unforgettable escapades and heart-pounding moments, all wrapped up in a big ol’ blanket of responsibility and respect. Happy adventuring, folks!

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