The Buck Off Sleeve – The First FtM Stroker

I recently wrote an article on transgender sex toys and stumbled across this gem – The FtM (Female to Male) Stroker, aka, the Buck Off Sleeve.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Angle Buck is a porn star famous for being a “man with a pussy”. He’s transitioned into a man but decided his masculine identity wasn’t tied to having the final surgery. As a result, he’s become a household name in the porn industry. I’ve also got the biggest crush on him, hot damn!

But besides being, in my eyes, dream AF, he’s also active in the community and tries to educate the masses on transgender and other important issues.


It’s a masturbation sleeve designed for FtMs who haven’t transition into having a penis yet (or at all), but still want the pleasure of “stroking masturbation”.

I know, you’re probably wondering, “How?”, but it’s actually very simple. When someone transitions, one step is to take the corresponding hormones. In this case, more testosterone. Because of this, the clitoris can swell and become significantly larger.

What people on the outside don’t realize is that someone who identifies as a man, might not want to masturbate while touching female genitals. They sometimes want the feeling of stroking.

This is where the Buck Off comes in.

The outside has the shape of a penis, but the base is wider than most sex toys (to accommodate the changed clitoris). The inside is ribbed/textured to help with a vacuum lock and suction. This allows the user to stimulate their clit but with the motions of male masturbation. It’s quite brilliant tbh.


Well, this is one toy, I sadly can’t try. I mean, I could. However, it would be from a female perspective and it might not work on my particular crotch. Don’t get me wrong, I would totally try it “just because”. What I did do is review a few dozen other reviews from the target customer base. Here’s a rundown of their experiences…

  • Some find the material too soft.
  • Some love the softness.
  • It’s not meant for those who haven’t started testosterone yet.
  • The base might not fit all body shapes (but that’s normal for ANY sex toy, it’s never a 100% match to every user).
  • Many people want this available in different sizes (I hope the next generation version addresses this).


There are a few other transgender-targeted toys out there, but not enough. But I’m glad to see that it’s starting to grow. But remember, this is still a sex toy, which means that it might be perfect for some while horrible for others. That’s just the way it goes. Still, if you can find a similar product for cheaper and try it to see if you want to invest in something better, that’s also an option.

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Have you had experiences with the Buck Off? Share in the comments!

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