Karryn’s Prison Review – An RPG Eroge with Synced Sex Toys

Today we’re looking at Karryn’s Prison – an RPG eroge game from the developer and publisher Remtairy. We’ll go over the general storyline, what you can expect from this type of game, the primary goals, the mechanics, the pros and cons, how to connect Lovense toys to sex scenes, and much more.

So, if you’re a fan of erotic video games, this article will help you decide if it’s worth your money and time. Let’s dive into this lustful and highly graphic game.

What Kind of Game is Karryn’s Prison?

First, if you’ve never heard the term “eroge” means a Japanese video or computer game that contains erotic content – in the form of anime-style artwork. But you’ll also notice a mix of art styles. During your RPG adventure, your movements around the prison will be a top-down pixel-style tile map. Specifically, an RPG maker MV – the important later on in the pros and cons section.

What is the Game & Gameplay Like?

karryn's prison f95, Karryn's prison difficulty setting

There are three aspects of gameplay. The main one isn’t what you would expect from a porn game. You play the protagonist Karryn who’s been put in charge of getting control over the kingdom’s biggest prison – which has been left to chaos due to the lazy and neglectful guards and Warden.

So the biggest thing you’re going to be doing is prison management. There’s a lot of number crunching, micromanaging, stat selection, upgrades, getting revenue, etc.

Also, it’s highly recommended if you’ve never played this kind of game before that you choose the easiest setting. Because you’ll have three options after the opening scene. It’s the equivalent of easy normal or difficult – which is Secretary, Warden, and Prisoner.

You manage the prison by giving edicts to the prison and its staff. But your edicts will have consequences (positive or negative) that you’ll have to deal with later on.

The next part of the gameplay is mini-battles. This is where the erotic part comes into play. Karen comes into the prison as a tough and firm but sexually innocent assistant to the Emperor. Through battles, she ends up unlocking hidden desires – and some cravings she never imagined existed.

karryn's prison gameplay

During this turn-based style combat, you can defend or attack and also use sexual measures to placate the prisoners. All of this goes towards her “desires” (or lust) meter. But be wary of how you deal with every encounter because it will have consequences down the line. It will change your personality, not to mention steer your game toward one of the three potential endings.

There are also side quests (you could also call them side jobs) that lend a third aspect to the game.

Some people have said that the management style and grindy. But for me personally, I didn’t mind it. This kind of playstyle is purely subjective. If you love management games, paying attention to multiple settings, and making money, also you don’t mind spending time doing it, you’ll love this aspect. I very much did.

Other players have also said that the sex scenes are repetitive however this isn’t true the beautiful artwork will give you varied sex scenes if your combat results this way.

Finally, the back-and-forth battle style has been compared to Pokemon play. I’ve never played that game so I can’t speak to the comparison. However, it is a traditional turn-based anime fight game. Whether you like this or not is up to you.

Karryn’s Prison & Lovense Sex Toys

Lovense sex toys, interactive porn, interactive porn game,

Lovense has spent the last few years creating partnerships with X-rated game developers. Because why just have visual stimulation when you can have physical stimulation as well?

Any Lovense sex toy can sync with Karryn’s Prison – the instructions are right within the settings of the game. This way, during any battle sex scenes, you will get to enjoy the exquisite vibrations (and in some toys, contractions). You can also choose how the toy reacts to battle scenes. Do you want them to react all the time or just some of the time? Simply choose what settings you prefer.

Karen’s Prison DLC

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The one DLC that’s available is called “Gym Trainer Side Job”. Reasonably priced at $3.99 or less depending on whatever discount is going on.

What’s different about this compared to the main game is that she is the complete boss within the walls of the gym. She dictates everything right from the pace and the acts. She also initiates talk, sit, pet, and more. Battles are one-on-one. But an interesting aspect is that the camera can be set to first person so you can look at Karen while you’re totally helpless. It’s very much a reverse dynamic to the main game.

However, the makers suggest a ” totally slutty” Karryn for this DLC because you require certain passives to initiate sex. So it seems if you feel like being more dominant this DLC is a good option

Pros, Cons, and Comments

Karryn's Prison, hentai game, RPG eroge

Keep in mind that some of these pros and cons are subjective. What may be horrible to one person might be amazing to another. I have also scoured the internet for major consensus on aspects of the game that could be improved or that are wonderful as is as well as my own opinions.

  • On the surface, this game might seem like the protagonist is being taken against her wishes. But as the developers stated, that is not their personal beliefs nor the beliefs of the game. All of Karen’s sexual adventures stem from her personal desires. Sometimes this can include rough sex, gang bangs, degradation, etc. But let’s not forget that in real life some people consensually enjoy these activities.
  • Yes, the game is straight-up porn, but it’s porn where the woman and you decide what they want. I like that the developers added this disclaimer because if you’re someone who wants to explore your own personal desires through this game you shouldn’t feel guilty.
  • On the surface, it may seem like a simple game, but the developer said it’s intentionally “fairly unfair” – because 99% of people are going to get the ” bad ending” where you have to go through the game again to redeem yourself.
  • If you love the game going through it again will be thrilling. But if you haven’t liked it this will be a con for you. Then again if you want to know the endings without having to do a second playthrough, look up spoilers online.
  • Personally, I wish that there were more options in the battle mechanics, just me because I’m used to playing games like World of Warcraft, Skyrim, and Dragon Age. That’s not to say that the battle mechanics are bad. It’s just my taste that I would have liked something a bit more in-depth.
  • This game is heavy on micromanagement – you’ll love it or you’ll hate it
prison managment game

  • A definite con is if you’re looking for a “quick fap” (as one reviewer called it) this isn’t the game for you. No matter what you choose you can’t initiate sex right off the bat. Karryn’s desires need to be slowly discovered.
  • The artwork itself is very well done.
  • The voice acting and the music are top-notch.
  • One reviewer mentioned something that I very much agree with – enemies and even staff only have single appearances. There is a storyline but it feels superficial. I would have liked to see certain characters come back or evolve. For example, if she beats a certain inmate, perhaps he could come back stronger and know her weaknesses. She could even end up having a major nemesis – one that could be either an enormous danger to the prison or the biggest sexual temptation of her life.
  • Also having staff with deeper personalities and backgrounds would elevate this game from excellent to astounding.
karryn's prison guide
Opening scenes

  • As mentioned before you can sync a Lovense sex toy to the game so you can have an interactive porn experience – which is amazing! You can also adjust settings to whatever preferences you want.
  • This is a game that requires a lot of patience.
  • This is not a game where you mash the wait-and-defend skill each turn in order to trigger sexual acts and a sex scene. This links to the “being patient” aspect you need to enjoy each battle for what it is and react accordingly.
  • Expect to lose some bottles. It’s just gonna happen.
  • If you’re someone who experiences anxiety with game outcomes and requires a specific outcome for the sake of your sanity, you might not like this one. There are too many variables and each choice steers the path in various directions.
  • Karryn’s Prison can be played using only a keyboard and a mouse or an XInput game controller.
  • The map maker program is known not to function well on older computers. There is a demo version that I highly suggest you use to test. Also make sure nothing else is running in the background, on an old dinosaur of a computer. Plus make sure you at least try to have minimum requirements to run this game. This also includes closing a browser.
  • See this game is for 18 years and older. So if you’re younger don’t even think about it

Karryn’s Prison Final Thoughts

karryn's prison hentai
Choosing your difficulty and getting tips

All in all, despite what I would consider some superficial cons, I really enjoyed this game. I agree with the massive amounts of positive reviews as well as Steam’s “overwhelmingly positive” review label. It might have a bit of grindiness to it but when you look at the price and you look at how many hours of gameplay (minimum 10 if you just wanna speed play) you get out of it – and then the repeat gameplay you can have afterward – you really get great value out of this game.

If you do decide to jump into this adventure I highly recommend that you read and pay attention to all the tips and instructions. It will make your gameplay that much smoother. Also if you want an in-depth run down on what the game ” is and is not” the developers have written a comprehensive list on their Steam site.

Final verdict? I highly recommend this game and if your budget allows, bring it with a Lovense toy – especially a hands-free one.

  • Download the game through the developer site HERE.
  • Download the game through Steam HERE. Includes DLC options.

TrustScore: 4.2
2,093 reviews