Kiiroo PowerBlow Review: Does It Suck, But In a Good Way?

Sex tech is evolving rapidly, offering new and exciting ways to enhance your pleasure. The Kiiroo PowerBlow Sucking Male Masturbator is one of the latest innovations, designed to simulate an incredible blowjob experience. Whether you’re exploring sex tech for the first time or looking to upgrade your current setup, this review will give you an in-depth look at what PowerBlow has to offer.

What is the Kiiroo PowerBlow?

The Kiiroo PowerBlow is a sex toy attachment that uses advanced suction technology to change a regular male stroker into a high-tech blowjob machine. Coupled with their dedicated app, the idea is to give users as close to a lifelike blowjob experience as possible. All you have to do is attach it to the end of the latest of Kiiroo’s FeelStroker models or other leading brand masturbation sleeves they have partnered with and enjoy.

Features, Specs, and Setup

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

MaterialsConstructed from ABS, PU; non-porous, chroming, and silicone.
Size3.54 x 3.54 x 3.39 inches / 90 x 90 x 86 mm
Weight0.63 lbs / 286g (device only, not including stroker)
BatteryLithium-ion Polymer 1000 mAh battery.
ControlButtons for direct control or through the FeelConnect for interactive control.
Charging TimeTakes about 60 minutes to fully charge.
Usage TimeAround 60 minutes of playtime per charge.
CompatibilityWorks with Kiiroo’s FeelStroker cases and other leading brands.
Modes of OperationBluetooth, Manual, Automatic, Pause

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

Setting up the PowerBlow is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Take out the sleeve from your compatible stroker
  2. Pull out the plastic stroker’s plastic ring (that secures the sleeve in place).
  3. Slide the PowerBlow’s “cup” into the sleeve casing.
  4. Reattach the plastic ring.
  5. Put the sleeve back in place.
  6. Unscrew the other end of the stroker case.
  7. Put on the rubber washer ring included with PowerBlow
  8. Screw on the PowerBlow main body to the end of the toy.


The FOAM RING is NOT part of the packaging. It’s part of the device that’s meant to collect any moisture, lube, or other liquids that might make their way into the casing. There is already one included in the main body (see image below). The one in the box is an extra ring for when you have to throw out the other one.

Do not wash the foam ring. Throw it out instead. Credit: Image via Kiiroo

Personal Testing Experience

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

While I don’t have a penis, I do have years of experience and a unique perspective from testing a wide variety of sex toys – from alien ceramic dildos to boob-shaped masturbators. I also love any sex gadget that changes existing sex toys into new experiences; think sex machine or magic wand attachments. So when I was handed the PowerBlow, I was immediately curious. I also had a dyslexic moment and swore I read “PowerBelow” – which still makes sense. But I digress.

I also received a compatible stroker (the Kayley Gunner) so I could properly test it. Hugz, Kiiroo.

Let’s start with the basics because they can say a lot about a product…

Unboxing and First Impressions

My first impression was surprise. When it comes to male toys, I’m used to big boys – big casings for big motors. But the PB was quite compact. The packaging was clean, simple, and efficient in its use of space. All surfaces had something important on them, and the inside used a similar heavy paper as the boxing to protect the toy. Both of these gain a point for being environmentally friendly. Also, putting the foam ring at the bottom to double as another layer of protection was clever.

Inside you’ll find:

  • 1 conical cup attachment,
  • 1 rubber washer ring,
  • 1 foam washer ring
  • 1 USB-C charging cable
  • 1 quick-start guide
  • 1 informational card
  • The PowerBlow

Materials and Design

The entire casing is sturdy, black ABS plastic (not counting the washer rings). It’s the same plastic (from the shade of black to the texturing) as the compatible stroker – a nice design choice. There’s enough weight to it that it doesn’t feel cheap but not so much that it screams “I’m going to give you carpal tunnel. And the “cap” that you unscrew to get to the foam ring (that also is part of the suction device) was another great design choice.

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

Set Up & Toy Modes

Setting up and using the PowerBlow was a bit finicky for me, but only because I tend to go wild and start pushing buttons without reading the manual first – mostly to see how intuitive things are. Imagine what I’m like with IKEA products. And while with simple devices this usually works, the PW has a bit of a learning curve. Thankfully, the instructions are clear and the color-coded light ring in the toy makes things easier.

  • From red through orange, yellow, and green indicate the battery level (if you don’t have the app handy).
  • White Light (which looks more like a Light Blue) = Manual mode. Press it to start the vacuum. The longer you press it, the stronger the suction. But keep in mind this isn’t because the motor is going stronger, but because more air is being sucked out of any available space. When you stop pressing the button, the suction remains and you can start stroking
  • Blue light = Bluetooth mode, and the device is discoverable.
  • Pink light = Automatic mode, with 1 looped pattern. Press the up and down arrows for a stronger vacuum.
  • Purple light = Pause mode. In case things get too suction-y.

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

So, let’s say you want to get to automatic mode. First, you long-press the power button on the top to turn it on, then press for 1-2 sections (it’s not exactly a quick press, but not a long press either, maybe let’s call it a medium press?) to cycle through the modes until you see the pink ring. Then you use the up and down arrows to adjust how strong the suction gets.

Once you get the hang of things, it’s easy. It’s also a good way to pack in all the functions with just three buttons (since the toy’s real estate is limited).

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

Performance and Realism

First, the sleeve was wonderfully soft and squishy, and even better when I added a small dollop of water-based lube. The stroker should fit most sizes (not including larger ones with blessed length and/or girth). I started the PowerBlow in automatic because I wanted to focus on how strong/intense things could get. I stuck my fingers in and could feel somewhat of a vacuum. This wasn’t surprising though because fingers won’t create the proper attachment for things to work as intended.

But when I put the opening of the stroker against the palm of my hand, ooohhhh-weeeee. THEN I could feel the toy at work. On higher settings, the sleeve would actually semi-attach itself to my hand. I also tested it against a realistic dildo and one that was more of a generic cylinder – both silicone. Each toy got a wonderful “pull” as I played with the up and down arrow.

If I did have a penis, I’m pretty sure it would be very happy. But I also can see how the Pause Mode is necessary in case things get too tight in there (which could happen fast if you’re eager).

I also should add that I wasn’t able to test it against adult content, but I’m sure it would be stellar. And if I do get the chance, I’ll update this article.

Noise Level

Quiet sex toys are most important if you’re getting into wearable sex toys for discreet public play or if you’re in a roommate or thins walls situation. That being said, I didn’t find the PowerBlow’s suction to be very intrusive, sound-wise. Some users also noted a high-pitched squeal on higher levels, but I didn’t find that during my testing. But even on the highest levels, I didn’t even need my sound meter to know it was well under 60 dB (which is the level of a normal conversation).

PSA From Kiiroo

Do not connect Keon by Kiiroo and PowerBlow together in manual mode. For optimal use of both devices together, download the FeelConnect app to pair Keon and PowerBlow and allow Keon to control PowerBlow.

Cleaning and Maintenance

I did test the cleaning (because it’s always good practice to clean your pleasure toys before and after each use. I followed the instructions below and found it easy to keep things hygienic.

  • Remove PowerBlow from the stroker.
  • Whip down the exterior with a damp cloth.
  • Wash the sleeve and silicone washer ring with water only.
  • Air dry completely.
  • Charge up and/or store your stroker and PB separately.
  • Store the device in a cool, dry place.

Personal Verdict

All in all, the PowerBlow is a unique and well-thought-out sex toy attachment that sits in the mid-high tier price range (around $70). There’s a lot going on in such a small casing, I was very impressed. And even though there is a learning curve and the suction might be intense for some users, I think it’s a solid choice for anyone looking to make a stroker into something more powerful. A solid, 8.5/10 (with 1.5 off for non-waterproofness).

But we’re not done there. Keep reading to see the pros/cons, user thoughts, and other useful information to help decide if it’s right for you.

Does the PowerBlow Call Your Name?

“PowerBlow’s suction technology turns your favorite stroker into the ultimate blowjob machine. It seamlessly screws onto our FeelStroker cases, giving you an unparalleled suction experience, that will redefine the word “Blowjob” forever.”

What Other Users Have to Say

Credit: Lovense/Robyn

On the plus side:

  • “The suction is incredibly strong and feels very realistic. The interactive features are a game-changer.”
  • “The PowerBlow is incredibly powerful and adds a new level of pleasure to my sessions.”
  • “I love the interactive features and how easy it is to set up and use.”

On the negative side:

  • “The initial setup can be a bit tricky, especially for first-time users.”
  • “It adds some weight to the stroker, which might be a concern for users with weaker wrists.”
  • “Synchronization with some interactive content could be improved.”

Key Takeaways: Overall, users are impressed with the PowerBlow’s performance and interactive features, though some noted the initial setup and weight as minor drawbacks.

The Good

  • Powerful suction technology that provides an intense blowjob sensation.
  • Works with various Kiiroo FeelStroker models and other similar stroker devices.
  • Multiple modes for customizable experiences.
  • Interactive features can be controlled via the FeelConnect app and synced with interactive content for a more immersive experience.
  • Simple setup process and easy to operate.
  • The small size makes it easy to store and hide.
  • Made from high-quality materials.
  • Decent battery life versus use time.
  • Can be paired with the Kiiroo Keon for a hands-free experience.
  • Designed to stay clean with minimal effort.

The Possibly Not Good

  • Some users reported a high-pitched noise at high suction levels.
  • Initial setup and finding the perfect suction level may require some trial and error.
  • Cleaning must be done carefully as the device is not waterproof.
  • To fully enjoy all features, the FeelConnect app is necessary.
  • Can be considered on the pricy side, especially when purchased with compatible strokers.
  • Access to certain interactive features may require a subscription to services.

Comparison with Other Products

Kiiroo Onyx+ – The Onyx+ uses 10 contracting rings to simulate intercourse, offering a different kind of experience. It’s also highly interactive but more expensive.

The Handy: Known for its strong motor and versatility, The Handy offers a different design and experience. It’s also pricier and bulkier.

Lovense Max 2: A contracting and vibrating male masturbator that can be controlled anywhere in the world and sync through haptic feedback. Best usage requires app,

Great For…

  • If you enjoy integrating technology into your pleasure experience.
  • Long-distance couples who want to enhance their intimacy.
  • Users who enjoy pairing their devices with VR or interactive adult content will find the PowerBlow particularly appealing.
  • Those looking for a device that mimics the sensations of a blowjob.
  • Anyone who needs to keep their toys private.
  • Those who appreciate the ability to customize their pleasure.

Might Want to Pass…

  • If you are particularly sensitive to noise.
  • If you are not comfortable using apps or technology might find the Bluetooth and interactive features overwhelming or unnecessary.
  • If you are on a tight budget.
  • If you’re looking for a straightforward, no-fuss masturbator.
  • If you need a waterproof toy for easy cleaning and use in different environments.

Final Thoughts and Recommendation

The Kiiroo PowerBlow Sucking Male Masturbator is an excellent sex toy that delivers on its promises. With its advanced suction technology and app features, it’s something I recommend taking a closer look at.

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