Lovense Mini Sex Machine Comparison Review

Today we’re going to do a comparison look at the two Lovense sex machines – the “full-sized” one versus the mini. We’ll dig into everything from how they’re built to how they perform and all the app goodies that come with them. Whether you’re figuring out which one might be right for you or just curious about what each offers, all your questions will be answered.

Starting With The Sex Machine Basics

Materials, Build Quality & Design

While both versions have a simple and sleek design, the smaller one has a less intimidating look. That doesn’t mean one is better than the other – only that some users might prefer something cuter. You’ll also notice instead of going for the stereotypical capsule or machine-gun style, the smaller one is quite literally a miniature version of its big brother – similar to what F-machine does with theirs.

Both are built with stainless steel and ABS plastic parts (plus whatever the inside bits are made from), which gives it a solid, durable feel. They both have the “clip” system to hold the support bars in place – it’s also how you adjust the height and angle. Even the thrusts/min isn’t as big a gap as one would expect (300 vs 260 RPM).

The biggest differences are the double thrusting rod option in the larger sex machine as well as a slightly longer thrust distance.

Lovense sex machine and mini sex machine speed box plug close up
Large vs small sex machine plug for the speed controller – Credit: Lovense

Functionality and Features:

When it comes to functionality and features, both Lovense Sex Machines bring their own set of strengths to the table, tailored to different user needs and preferences.

What They Have in Common

  • Both the Lovense Sex Machine and its Mini version let you control the action locally through the speed dial or the Lovense Remote app. Also, the app opens up all sorts of goodies — whether you’re in another room or on a different continent.
  • They both have a safety stop button (by pressing the red dial).
  • Both come with a universal plug adapter – except for North American customers who don’t need it because the main plug is already standard.
  • They’re also both built to last and easy to put together.
  • Vac-u-Lock sex toy attachment so you can use any compatible sex toy (if you don’t like the one(s) that are included).
  • They’re both quiet, around 60 dB max. So, no worries about noise unless you’re going for it at the highest speeds and you’re not a “quiet” person.

If you’re not sure how loud it is, here are some examples to put things into perspective.

  • Rustling leaves (around 20-30 dB)
  • Cat purrs (around 20-30 dB)
  • A stream or brook (around 30-40 dB)
  • Soft rainfall (around 50-55 dB)
  • Normal conversation (around 60-70 dB)
  • Vacuum cleaner (around 70-80 dB)

In the video below, you can see both machines going from 0 to top RPM – note the dial position.

Here’s What Sets Them Apart

  • Lovense Sex Machine:
    • Double the Fun: This machine has two arms so you can double up on the action. It’s great if you’re looking for more variety or if two people want to get in on the fun at the same time. It’s also fantastic for any cam models who want to collaborate.
    • Angle and Height: Longer bars mean greater height and angle adjustability.

  • Lovense Mini Sex Machine:
    • Easy to Handle: It’s smaller and lighter, which means you can easily move it around or tuck it away when not in use. Don’t worry about needing a big storage space for this one.
    • Simple and Powerful: With just one thrusting arm, it’s designed to be easy to use, especially if you’re new to sex machines. It still packs a punch with up to 260 thrusts per minute.

Lovense sex machine vac-u-lock attachment close up
For both machines, it’s a simple “slide and lock” attachment – Credit: Lovense/Robyn


Although it’s tricky the first time to lock the toy in, you should never have to “force it”. If the toy end isn’t going far enough in that the locking cap won’t slide back, it probably means the “dots” aren’t lined up properly. (see image above)

Measurements & Specs

Specification Lovense Mini Sex Machine Lovense Sex Machine
Weight 3.2 kg 11.4 kg
Dildo Height 8-12 cm 8-40 cm
Max Angle 33 degrees 35 degrees
Noise Level 60 dB 61 dB
Max Speeds 260 RPM 300 RPM
Max Thrust 7.5 cm 11.5 cm
“Self-Lubricating” Yes No
Motors 1 motor 2 motors
Bluetooth Yes Yes
App Control Yes Yes
Price $399.00 $699.00
Power Source Plug-in Plug-in
Assembly Simpler and quicker setup Moderate complexity

Lovense sex machine dimensions
Lovense sex machine dimensions – Credit: Lovense
Lovense mini sex machine dimensions
Mini sex machine dimensions – Credit: Lovense

Compatible with:

  • iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch iOS 14.2 and later
  • Android 5.0 and later (with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • Mac (with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • Windows PC (needs a Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter to connect)

lovense mini sex machine banner

Cleaning & Care

Taking good care of your machines isn’t just about keeping them clean; it’s about making sure they last and perform well every time you use them. Here are some simple tips and strong suggestions:

Both machines need regular cleaning, especially if things get particularly messy.

  • Dildos and Attachments: These parts should be detached and washed with warm water and a gentle soap or a specialized sex toy cleaner. If your attachments are silicone, steer clear of silicone-based lubes as they can break down the material. Once clean, dry them well before putting them back on the machine or tucking them away. Never put the toys back on the vac-u-lock plug if they’re damp inside.
  • Machine Body: Before you start, make sure the machine is unplugged. Then, give the body a wipe with a soft, slightly damp cloth.

Lovense sex machine front and back main body view
Back and front (inside) of the larger sex machine – Credit: Lovense

  • Storage: Keep the machine in a cool, dry place. Heat and moisture are the enemies here, as they can harm the electronics inside. If it comes with a storage bag, use it. It’ll keep dust off and prevent other damage when you’re not using it.
  • Regular Checks: Every now and then, especially if you use your machine a lot, check for any loose parts or signs of wear and tear. Make sure everything is tight and working correctly to avoid any surprises during use.
  • Lubrication: The mini machine lubricates itself, but it’s good to double-check that everything is running smoothly. The other needs the sliding rails and rod insertion holes oiled every 2-3 months (or wherever you feel that the thrusting is not as smooth as before) with mechanical grease – any high-temperature wheel-bearing grease is fine. 

Lovense mini sex machine front and back main body view
Back and front (inside) of the mini sex machine – Credit: Lovense

Price vs. Value

Like most Lovense sex toys, both models sit at the midpoint of the higher end of the price scale. They’re reasonably priced for the power, parts, and goodies you get. But if they’re still too expensive, just wait for a holiday sale or a bundle deal.

Lovense sex machine and mini sex machine price comparison

Pros & Cons

Lovense sex machine and mini sex machine speed dial cable comparison
The size difference and cord length of the mini (1) vs large (2) – Credit: Lovense


  • Small and compact enough to take to other locations
  • Easy to set up and adjust
  • Multiple angles and reasonable height levels
  • Quite powerful for its size
  • Dildos included!
  • Will work with any vac-u-lock toys on the market
  • Has cam model tipping features and software
  • Comes with a plug adapter


  • Only dildo option included – Fleshlights or other toys need a separate adapter
  • Might be too powerful or intense for those who like gentle penetration
  • Possibly overwhelming for beginners
  • Still a significant investment vs. other toys

How to Maximise Your Pleasure with the Lovense App

Lovense Remote app screen examples
Credit: Lovense

Lovense Remote App Features

Both sex machines can go beyond regular play with any of the app features:

  • Long-Distance Control: Control the thrust speeds from anywhere in the world.
  • App Games: There are free in-app games (like speed typing erotic poetry) where the sensations sync with the action.
  • Multi-Toy Management: Control multiple toys at once. You’ll be able to use the machine with things like the Gemini nipple clamps, clit toys like Hyphy or Domi 2, and even anal sex toys like Hush 2 (assuming you’ll be playing vaginally).
  • Adult VR & Video Sync: Vibrations link with VR content or adult films for a deeply immersive experience.
  • Music Video Vibes: Vibes follow along with music videos for a visually and sensually rhythmic experience.
  • Ambient Sound Reaction: Let your toy react to the sounds around you, from the softest whispers to the loudest beats.
  • Pattern Replay: Relive your favorite patterns or sessions with saved settings for a repeat of those perfect pleasure moments.
  • Interactive Gaming Sync: Dive into a new dimension of gaming where your toy vibrates in sync with in-game actions.
  • Audiobook Sync: Add an extra layer of enjoyment to erotic stories as vibrations match the audiobook’s narrative.
  • Music Connection: Tenera will dance to the rhythm of your favorite songs for a uniquely musical pleasure session.

Long-Distance Sex Sync!

Both machines can also pair with Nora or Max 2 for “synced sex” – meaning what one toy does, the other will react accordingly. This is different from regular long-distance control, which is done through the control panel of the Remote App.

Lovense sex machine and mini sex machine thrusting rods and dildo comparison
Comparing the thrusting bar lengths, toy attachments, and dildos of the (top) mini sex machine and (bottom 2) larger one – Credit: Lovense

How to Connect Your Sex Machines to the App

  1. Download the Lovense Remote App from the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).
  2. Open the app and create an account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone.
  4. Press the red control button to turn on the sex machine.
  5. Click the Pairing Your Toy icon on the Lovense Remote app. icon in the top right corner.
  6. Tap “+” to search.
  7. When you see the machine appear on the list, tap it to add it to your toy options.
  8. Toggle to “on” to make it pairable or controllable.

Packaging & Shipping Tidbits

For both the Lovense Sex Machine and the Lovense Mini Sex Machine, the shipping process is designed with discretion in mind. Here’s what can expect:

  • Packaging: Each machine is shipped in a plain box with no indications of its contents from the outside.
  • Shipping Label: The label on the box will not display “Lovense” or any other identifiers that might suggest the nature of the product inside. Instead, it will have the name of the holding company.
  • Billing: Similarly, the billing information on your credit card statement will show the company name rather than the brand.

Here’s what’s included inside each sex machine:

Lovense mini sex machine what's included
Credit: Lovense
Lovense sex machine what's included
Credit: Lovense

What’s Inside:

  • 1x Lovense mini sex machine
  • 3x cables – power corder, plug cord, and controller cord
  • 2x instruction manuals – one for general tips and the other for assembly
  • 1x thrusting bar with screw end attachment and pull lock sex toy attachment
  • 2x legs with cross-bar bottoms
  • 1x realistic dildo with vac-u-lock attachment
  • 1x vac-u-lock attachment
  • 2x hex keys
  • 1x Lovense Sex Machine
  • 3x cables – power corder, plug cord, and controller cord
  • 2x instruction manuals – one for general tips and the other for assembly
  • 2x Thrusting bars with screw end attachment and pull lock sex toy attachment
  • 2x legs with cross-bar bottoms
  • 2x Dildos – one regular and one larger with vac-u-lock attachments
  • Assembly tools – Allen wrenches
  • 1x Storage bag or case – can come in different colors (but can’t choose)

Lovense sex machine and mini sex machine plug comparison
1. Power box, 2. power plug, 3. machine plug – Credit: Lovense

Who Will Love Them

  • Those who want power and a sex toy option that won’t quit (because there are no batteries to recharge)
  • Long-distance couples who want to spice things up
  • Cam models looking for highly interactive shows with included tipping software and other features
  • Sex toy lovers with money to burn
  • Those who are ready to graduate from intermediate toys
  • Power queens and kings

Who Might Want to Pass

  • Those on a budget
  • Anyone who has never tried thrusting toys before
  • People who need vibrations or anyone who needs different stimulation on other parts of their body
  • People who want something other than a dildo but don’t want to buy an extra attachment

Final Verdict

In the end, as always with very similar toys, it comes down to personal preference. Both have excellent power and extra fun through the Remote App. But the mini sex machine is a winner if you want something compact and lightweight. Whereas the larger sex machine is a win for someone who wants to splurge or have double the fun. Both get a well-deserved 5/5 stars.

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