Maybe it’s another ugly tie. Perhaps the sweater your aunt thought would look great on you ends up looking more frumpy than fashionable. However, if you live in the London, England area there might be a sexy solution to your Christmas gift woes.
Instead of hiding them away, or feeling guilty because you chucked something 100% useful, sex toy retailer, LoveHoney will take them off your hands and give you sex toys in exchange!
The first “Sex Not Socks” gift swap was held on January 14th from 9am to 8pm.

The Lovehoney team took up a post in an airstream caravan and accepted all unwanted items you didn’t want under the tree. In exchange, you would get a ticket to a “lucky dip” and had the chance to win sex toys valued up to 60 pounds.
What did they do with the donated swag?
Everything went to help support a national homeless charity. Anything from good quality clothes to book and DVDs.
Does this mean you can unload your old junk?

Nope. Sorry.
Things that weren’t being accepted included: large items, damaged things, obviously worn/dirty/old things.
“The idea of Sex not Socks is to put all those unwanted gifts to good use. You can swap them for a fantastic free sex toy and have a lot more sexual happiness during the coldest and most miserable month of the year. All the donated gifts will be given to a homeless charity which is being supported by Lovehoney. All over 18s are welcome,” said marketing director, Helen Balmer.
But what if you ended up liking all your gifts?
You could still join by making a small cash donation.
In the end, LH made thousands for the charity and was thrilled with the turn out. They ended up being “swamped” with gifts.
Let’s see what happens the next round!
Also, if you’re wondering if London is the only location, don’t worry!
New York and other large cities have climbed on board for the next one. Each has their own dates and locations so look up what’s close to you and see if you can participate.
Any readers out there that have joined this event? Share in the comments!