Pros and Cons of the Primark Shoe Hanger For Sex Toy Storage

While some people will hide their sex toys under their bed or in discreet boxes, one woman decided to share her sex toy storage hack through Facebook and the world.

The sex-positive and bold woman snapped a pic and suggested everyone immediately go out and buy one from Primark (if you don’t know, it’s a large clothing store chain that’s famous for being very cheap).

“It’s not to everyone’s taste,” she typed, “but I love it.”

It should be no surprise what kind of comments came pouring in.

Many of them called it genius and brilliant. Other’s pointed out how much they wish they had her adult product collection.

“You’re actually my hero.”

“I wish I had your toys!”

“All I could think was lucky cow.”

Personally, when I saw this I had mixed reactions. Since we all love lists (or maybe it’s just me), I jotted down the pros and cons of this trick.

Ideally, toys should be kept in the boxes they come in, but that’s not always possible. I’m not saying this idea is horrible – if you love it, go for it.


  • It’s a cheap storage option
  • It leaves plenty of room for future purchases
  • Toys are easily seen so you can grab what you want
  • It’s beautifully organized
  • Plenty of color options
  • It’s space-saving


  • It’s not great if you want toy-privacy
  • It won’t keep dust from collecting on surfaces
  • It will be hard to clean
  • The pockets aren’t made for toy dimensions
  • It’s not an ideal storage solution for long-toy-life
  • Pray your dog doesn’t learn to love silicone

I would suggest the following tweaks…

See if there are hangers with flaps that go over the pockets – this way it’s easier to keep the dust out.

Try the box hangers instead – just make sure that the product packaging will fit the cubby dimension.

This way, you can have easy access and save space but you’ll still keep your toys in better condition.

How do you store your sex toys? Share in the comments!

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