Social Distancing Strap On – It’s Really, REALLY long

There’s not an item, show, person, event, or even pandemic that can’t be turned into something sex or sex toy-related. We have Dr. Manhattan Dildos and Pikachu butt plugs after all.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise that there’s a sex toy birthed into existence been made because of social distancing (however misguided).

The result?

A 1-meter long dildo that’s meant to fit in a strap on harness.

‘I was speaking to some single friends about their dating situations, laughing about how a sexual relationship might work while social distancing – and then the idea hit me, a metre-long strap-on, which could solve all of the world’s ills.’

And, before you ask, someone already wondered if it was meant as a real gift or a gag one. His answer?

“Somewhere in the middle.”

Now, before we start getting into all the cons, we have to at least give him the proper high fives for doing research and asking professionals what a safe material would be (aka silicone).  At least we know it will be body-safe (in the material-department at least).

Beyond that, the rest of the research and initial manufacturing will be left up to any and all generosity that comes from IndieGoGo fundraiser.

“The £5000 will go towards a prototype and an initial product run – the product will be based on an existing strap-on so we’re not having to reinvent the wheel completely, we’re merely lengthening it.”

As of the publication of this article, the fundraiser has made…


It might probably come down to the fact that the toy isn’t usable – and quite dangerous if someone actually tried to. Also, there are a ton of other toys built for length and girth that are already out on the market. When asked Dr. Shirin Lakhani, from Elite Aesthetics her answer was this…

“I’m extremely concerned and disturbed to hear of this. While everyone is unique and with that, everyone has unique preferences when it comes to providing pleasure, there are of course limits. The extreme size of this can cause irreparable damage to whichever passage it is inserted into.”

Still, who knows, it might just stick around and find its place in the family of gag gifts, along with the massive dildo the size of a small adult.

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What are you thought on the Social Distancing Strap On? Share in the comments!

Have toy-tastic day!


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