5 Simple Ways to Improve Sex – Get More Out of Your Pillow Play




Quickies are good and all, but really great sex has lots of foreplay.

You need time to get the other senses onboard and ramp up the passion. This can be done with actions, but also words (the mind is the biggest sexual organ after all). Learn to use your lips and hands to tease. Explore how to use other body parts in different ways. The better the foreplay, the better the sex.




For some people, it doesn’t matter how much foreplay you give, their bodies just won’t produce enough natural lube – and we all know how uncomfortable (or downright painful) dry sex can be. This can have nothing to do with the other person. Intimate dryness can come from many sources – external stressors, health issues, medication, etc.

This is easily solved by adding sex lubes.

I would recommend water-based. They are compatible with any sex toy and easier to clean up after.




This might be at number three, but it should be at the top of anyone’s list. Even simple communication of “I like that” or “do this instead” can really help your partner find their way around your body and improve the passion. Don’t be afraid to tell someone what you want, prefer, or need. This can be for basic sex acts (like oral) or discussing complicated role plays you want to try.

Be honest, understanding, and nonjudgmental – you’ll open a whole new world of pleasure.




For some people, they shut down in the commination phase. Their partner might want to try something new, but the other just doesn’t want it. If that’s the case, we need to respect the other person. However, if it’s just a matter of nervousness, then take some time to explore the thing you are interested in. Read guides and articles, watch videos (not porn), and build-up to the “event” by trying smaller things.

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

If you want anal sex, maybe start with a small trainer toy. If you want role play, maybe just start with the outfit and no acting.



We can look at this in different ways. First, if you want a better sex life, then you have to make changes and have corresponding priorities.

Second, diving into sex for just your own enjoyment might work for some partners, but it won’t be as exciting or fulfilling if it’s all about the orgasm. Make sure the other person(s) are having just as much fun as you.


Want to add a sex toy into the mix? Take a look at…

Lovense, Smartphone-controlled, powerful sex toys

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Have a sexy day,



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