Semen Allergy – It’s a Real Thing and a Royal Pain

It’s easy to imagine hives, respiratory problems, and EpiPens as part of a shellfish, peanut, or penicillin allergy … but sperm?

Well, It’s true. There are people out there allergic to man juice.

The good news is “Human Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity” (HSP) is a rare allergy. The bad news, if you do have it, it’s a huge pain in the ass (or vagina). It’s also not THAT unusual that you can ignore the possibility – at least if you’re showing symptoms.


This hypersensitivity is actually towards the proteins in seminal fluid, not his little swimmers. It affects mostly women, but in very rare cases, it can affect men as well.

“FUN” FACT: Some men can be allergic to their own semen. It’s called “post-orgasmic illness syndrome”.


The problem with HSP is the presenting symptoms are eerily close to other common problems that woman regularly face…

  • Redness, burning, swelling, pain, hives, itching

Do any of these sound familiar?

Yep. They are similar indicators for yeast infections, chronic vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, latex condom allergies, and possibly chlamydia or herpes. This means that it can be quite common for misdiagnoses.

Any rashes, itchiness, or discomfort could stay in one area, or it could spread. It can also (for some women) affect other parts of their body, like mouth, hands, etc.

Then there are the extreme reactions…

Diarrhea, problems breathing, dizziness, fainting, nausea, rapid/weak pulse, swollen tongue or throat, vomiting, or wheezing.


As if things weren’t hard enough, according to studies, someone might be allergic to one partner’s semen but not another’s. So, the best thing you can do it go to your doctor and have them perform an allergy test. There are also blood tests they can run.


If it does end up that you have this problem, the best solution is to wear a condom while having sex. Solved. (If you think you’re allergic, you can also run your own tests with and without a condom, but that involved unprotected sex – you’ll have to make a judgment call).

However, there is another (more unpleasant) avenue.

It’s called desensitization.

You literally expose yourself to your partner’s semen again and again until you aren’t allergic anymore. HOWEVER, this means that you have to go through the pain over and over. It can also be dangerous if you suffer from extreme reactions.

Anyone who wants to try this should talk to their doctor first, because they are able to make a diluted solution that he/she will administer every 20 minutes (medically, don’t be a pervert) until you don’t have problems.

In extreme cases, there are also medicines.


HSP doesn’t affect fertility or pregnancy.

Anyone who has this allergy can either endure the discomfort OR, if you have extreme reactions, go to the doctor and have them perform an intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). The seminal proteins are washed away and you’re good to go.

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